  Further publicised the judicial protection of intellectual property to broaden public impact
  In 2012, the people’s courts have used the World Intellectual Property Day on 26 April as opportunity to organise a Publicity Week for the April 26 World Intellectual Property Day. Wide-ranging, comprehensive and multi-perspective publicity activities on the judicial protection of intellectual property were organised, so as to accelerate the formation of a rule of law culture for intellectual property and to widen the public impact of intellectual property judicial protection.
   On 26 April World Intellectual Property Day, SPC organised a press conference and released the Intellectual Property Protection by Chinese Courts in 2011 (Chinese & English Editions), and published the Ten Major Cases and Fifty Typical Cases on Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property for 2011, and the Supreme People’s Court’s Annual Report on Intellectual Property Cases. In November 2012, SPC, SPP and MPS jointly published the first Yearbook on Intellectual Property Protection in China (2011). The local courts have captured fully the benefits of newspapers, books and magazines, publicity brochures, radio stations, television stations, broadcast networks and the internet and other media to promote the significance, judicial policies and achievements of the judiciary in protecting intellectual property, so as to nurture the awareness of intellectual property right and rule of law concept among the public.
   The high people’s courts in Beijing, Chongqing, Gansu, Xinjiang, Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan and Hainan have published their own white paper or blue paper on the judicial protection of intellectual property for 2011. During the publicity week, the Liaoning Province High People’s Court had organised a public incineration of pirated publications, and the Liaoning Television Station broadcasted a special documentary film called the Glorious Path in Intellectual Property Adjudication; the Xining Intermediate People’s Court of Qinghai Province has forged a long-term collaborative relationship with the Qinghai Television Station, which through the economic segment’s “Life and Law (shenghuo yu fa) programme, reported and publicised the court’s work in protecting intellectual property; many media, such as the Legal Daily, Dazhong Daily, Shangdong Satellite Television and Shandong Legal News have reported the intellectual property adjudication work of the courts in Shandong Province, and the People's Court Daily has also published an article entitled “Clearing the Skies for Rule of Law in Intellectual Property Rights” relating the work of the Shandong courts; the branch courts of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have also publicised its efforts in protecting intellectual property by giving out questionnaires on intellectual property knowledge and books of the law, and by providing legal advice.

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·2012年中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(中文) / 最高人民法院(2013-4-22)
·最高人民法院办公厅印发2012年中国法院知识产权司法保护10大案件、10大创新性案件和50... / 最高人民法院办公厅(2013-4-15)
·中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(2011年) / 最高人民法院(2012-4-18)
·最高人民法院办公厅关于印发2011年中国法院知识产权司法保护10大案件和50件典型案例的通知 / 最高人民法院办公厅(2012-4-11)
·最高人民法院办公厅关于印发2010年中国法院知识产权司法保护10大案件和50件典型案例的通知 / 最高人民法院办公厅(2011-4-18)
·最高人民法院关于印发《中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(2010年)》的通知 / 最高人民法院(2011-4-12)
·中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(2009年) / 最高人民法院(2010-4-21)
·最高人民法院关于印发2009年中国法院知识产权司法保护10大案件和50件典型案例的通知 / 最高人民法院(2010-4-14)
·中国知识产权司法保护纲要(2016-2020) / 最高人民法院(2017-4-20)