  Buttressed international and inter-regional cooperation to increase global impact
  In 2012, the people’s courts have continued to adopt an international perspective, and have broadened the avenues and format to strengthen international and regional exchanges. These are ways to dispel misunderstandings, build trust, and facilitate cooperation, to continue expanding the international impact of China in respect of judicial protection of intellectual property.
  In May, the China-United States Intellectual Property Adjudication Conference was held in Beijing. More than 1,200 participants, including representatives of intellectual property judges from China and the United States, government officials, academics, lawyers, representatives of intellectual property owners, attended the seminar. More than 240 intellectual property judges from China were at the conference; the United States sent a delegation of more than 200 people, including seven judges from United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and president of the Federal Circuit Bar Association. Twenty-six topics, including “Macro Issues concerning Intellectual Property Adjudication” and “Contribution of Court to the IP System”, were discussed in depth and extensively, with 143 speaking at the conference. The conference reflected the sincerity and goodwill on the part of the Chinese and the Americans to share and cooperate for the future in the increasingly globalised world, and was indeed a milestone in intellectual property relations between the two countries.
  SPC has responded positively by sending representatives to participate in activities as the China-US Intellectual Property Work Group Meeting, the China-Europe Intellectual Property Work Group Meeting, the Cross-Straits Intellectual Property Agreement Work Group Meeting, and the intellectual property public relations team that visited the United States etc, and have prepared more than thirty sets of work plans and recommendations that showcased our achievements in intellectual property protection. SPC judges have also received nearly one hundred high level delegates from the United States, the European Union, Japan and Korea, and have responded to the concerns for their foreign visitors, clarified misunderstandings, and shared our practices and achievements in intellectual property protection. They have also corrected misconceptions of a handful of countries in our intellectual property protection regime. SPC has also sent some of its intellectual property judges as participants in international intellectual property meetings in countries as the United States, Ireland and Korea.

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·中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(2011年) / 最高人民法院(2012-4-18)
·最高人民法院办公厅关于印发2011年中国法院知识产权司法保护10大案件和50件典型案例的通知 / 最高人民法院办公厅(2012-4-11)
·最高人民法院办公厅关于印发2010年中国法院知识产权司法保护10大案件和50件典型案例的通知 / 最高人民法院办公厅(2011-4-18)
·最高人民法院关于印发《中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(2010年)》的通知 / 最高人民法院(2011-4-12)
·中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(2009年) / 最高人民法院(2010-4-21)
·最高人民法院关于印发2009年中国法院知识产权司法保护10大案件和50件典型案例的通知 / 最高人民法院(2010-4-14)
·中国知识产权司法保护纲要(2016-2020) / 最高人民法院(2017-4-20)