  Improved political and judicial attitudes and ways, and strengthened the building of an incorrupt practice to advance judicial impartiality
  The people’s courts have always focused on developing the political attitudes and ways of intellectual property judges. In 2012, the people’s courts have pursued party-building to lead team-building and finally to achieve adjudication quality. To do that, many thematic activities were organised, such as learning and practising the scientific development concept, education sessions on the socialist rule of law concept, and entitled “People’s Judge for the People” nurture and consolidate the socialist rule of law concept in intellectual property judges, and help the judges reinforce their ideals and beliefs.
   The people’s courts have always given priority to strengthening the judicial attitudes and ways of intellectual property judges. The value pursuit is “justice for the people”. To achieve that, the courts have organised major discussions with the public and major checks on judicial attitudes and ways, so as to regulate judicial behaviour and improve on the judicial practice. In December, to implement the eight required qualities to improve the work practice and to regulate judicial actions as set forth by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, SPC published a notice pertaining to the Six Measures to Improve the Judicial Practice to guide the courts to observe the following, based on their practical realities: pursue justice for the people, and maintain close contact with the public; advance judicial openness, and accept the public’s supervision; strengthen communication of the people’s opinions, and expand judicial democracy; streamline meetings and activities, and really improve upon the ways that meetings are conducted; simplify documented reports, and really improve upon the ways that documents are prepared; improve research studies, and improve the effectiveness of research studies. These were the six areas that were worked on to achieve better attitudes and ways on the part of the judiciary.

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·2012年中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(中文) / 最高人民法院(2013-4-22)
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·中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(2011年) / 最高人民法院(2012-4-18)
·最高人民法院办公厅关于印发2011年中国法院知识产权司法保护10大案件和50件典型案例的通知 / 最高人民法院办公厅(2012-4-11)
·最高人民法院办公厅关于印发2010年中国法院知识产权司法保护10大案件和50件典型案例的通知 / 最高人民法院办公厅(2011-4-18)
·最高人民法院关于印发《中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(2010年)》的通知 / 最高人民法院(2011-4-12)
·中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(2009年) / 最高人民法院(2010-4-21)
·最高人民法院关于印发2009年中国法院知识产权司法保护10大案件和50件典型案例的通知 / 最高人民法院(2010-4-14)
·中国知识产权司法保护纲要(2016-2020) / 最高人民法院(2017-4-20)