摘 要:随着行政任务的日益复杂化,立法授权的频繁出现,传统的规制裁量权模式似乎很难再发挥很好的效应,因而需要探寻其他的规制技术。现代法治的一个艰巨的任务,就是如何让行政裁量获得确定性?由于价值性不确定法律概念所具有的事实张力,在对其判断时,往往依赖于行政机关工作人员的管制经验,通过运用立法解释技术或行政裁量基准能够使不确定法律概念获得相对的确定性,并在结合个案的具体情形下获得最终的确定性。另外依靠案例解读技术,使行政机关工作人员提高自身执法能力,自我约束裁量权的运用。然而裁量权规制是一个系统性问题,系统内的要素发生变动,无论是立法、行政、司法,都会引起其他要素的变动,因而我们要从更深层次来了解裁量权规制的问题。
The Operation of Administrative Discretion and Its Regulation: the Operation of Administrative Discretion in the Field of the Mandatory Administrative
Abstract: With the growing complexity of administrative tasks and the Frequent legislative authorization, it seems very difficult for the traditional mode to regulate of Administrative Discretion. therefore we need to explore other regulation modes and technologies. A difficult task of Modern rule of law is how to obtain certainty of administrative discretion? As the indefinite legal concepts has the fact tense, when administrative subject explain this concepts, they always rely on their administrative experience.We can make the indefinite legal concept to be more certain by using Legislative interpretation technologies or making discretion standard and then get the final result in combination with the circumstances of certain case. In addition, by unscrambling the administrative cases, it can help administrative subject improve their own abilities and qualities and use the power of self-restraint. However, Regulation of Administrative Discretion is a systemic problem, which one element of the system get changed, it will make other elements get changed, no matter legislative, executive or judicial.
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