WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism(2)/刘成伟(5)
II The Standing Issue before the DSB
The term “standing” has not been explicitly embodied in the text of the DSU or in any other covered agreements. It is used here for the purpose of examining whether a party must demonstrate the existence of some interest concerned, as usually required in domestic judicial process, in launching a complaint before the DSB.
In EC-Bananas (DS27) 1, the Appellate Body does not accept that the need for a “legal interest” is implied in the DSU or in any other provision of the WTO Agreement when the EC queries the right of US to bring claims under the GATT 1994. During the appellate review, the Appellate Body agree with the Panel that, “neither Art. 3.3 nor 3.7 of the DSU nor any other provision of the DSU contains any explicit requirement that a Member must have a ‘legal interest’ as a prerequisite for requesting a panel”. As found by the Appellate Body, it is true that under Art. 4.11 of the DSU, a Member wishing to join in multiple consultations must have “a substantial trade interest”, and that under Art. 10.2 of the DSU, a third party must have “a substantial interest” in the matter before a panel. But neither of these provisions in the DSU, nor anything else in the WTO Agreement, provides a basis for asserting that parties to the dispute have to meet any similar standard.
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