关键词:正义 司法改革 公正 公平
Abstract: 15th and 16th NCCPC (National Congress of the Communist Party of China) continuously referred to judicial reformation, and came up with impartiality, justice and fairness. We can see that judicial reformation is inevitable and impartiality, justice and fairness should be the aims and standards of judicial reformation. In juridical area, justice is impartiality and fairness. But as two sides of justice impartiality and fairness have their own characters. Impartiality emphasizes on modal, and is the request to judge and process. Fairness stresses on essence and its aims are the concerned. Now the judicial reformation must follow some principles. In the other words, we must fit some specific requests of impartiality and fairness. On impartiality to judge they’re judge independence, judge neutrality, judge authority and judicial restrain, and to process they’re procedure, judicial avowal and antagonism. Fairness is reflected by equal right, effectively participate and efficiency. These requests are specifies to impartiality and fairness. At the same time they serve as the principles of the judicial reformation that should help design and improve our concrete regime and process.
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