宪法是如何介入家庭的? ——判例法视角下的美国宪法对家庭法的影响及其争拗/姚国建(15)
[35]391 U. S. 68( 1968)
[36][美]劳伦斯•诺兰: “最高法院面前的非婚子女与父母”。[Laurence C. Nolan,“Unwed Children”and Their Parents Before the United States Supreme Court From Levy to Michael H. : Unlikely Participants in Constitutional Jurisprudence,28CAP. U. L. REV. 1,9 - 10( 1999) ]
[37]404 U. S. 71 ( 1971)
[38]429 U. S. 190( 1976)
[39]405 U. S 645 ( 1972)
[40]530 U. S. 57 ( 2000)
[41]431 U.S. 494( 1977)
[42]同注 4 引文。
[43]同注 5 引文。
[44]同注 1 引文。
[45][美]卡尔• 施耐德: “精英原则: 法律改革的提议与政治”。[Carl E. Schneider,Afterword: Elite Principles: The ALI Proposals and the Politics of Law Reform,in Reconceiving the Family: Critique on the American Law Institute’s Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution489( Robin Frewell Wilson ed. 2006) ]
[46][美]伍德豪斯: “家庭隐私的阴暗面”。[Barbara Bennett Woodhouse,The Dark Side of Family Privacy,67 GEO.WASH. L. REV. 1247,1251 - 59( 1999) ]
[47]同注 4 引文。
[48][美]玛格丽特• 布里尼格: “Trpxol 案与社区的限制”。[Margaret Brinig,Troxel and the Limits of Community,32 RUGGERS L. J. 733,764( 2001) ]
[49][美]玛丽• 安•格林顿: 《家庭法的转变》。( Mary Ann Glendon,The Transformation of Family Law: State,Law,and Family in the United States and Western Europe,p. 147. )
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