公司捐赠与董事的责任 ——美国法与日本法的启示/刘小勇(12)
[3]ThomasW. Joo,The Modern Corporation and Campaign Finance:Incorporating Coporate Governance Analysis into First Amendment Jurisprudence,79Wash. U. L. Q.9(2001).
[4]2 U. S.C. sec. 441b(a).
[5]The odora Holding Corp. v. Henderson,De.l Ch.,257 A. 2d 398,405 (1969).
[6]I.R.C sec. 170(c)(1986).
[7]Sullivan v. Hammer,1990 De.l Ch. LEXIS 119 (1990).
[8]Hanrahan v.Kruidenier473 N.W. 2d 184(Iowa 1991).
[9]Matthew G. Dore,The Duties and Liabilities of an Iowa Corporate Director.,50DrakeL.Rev.232(2002).
[10]Buckley v. Valeo,424 U. S. 1,21 (1976),First Nat’l Bank of Boston v. Bellott,i 435 U. S. 765,795 (1978),Austinv. Michigan State Chamber of Commerce,494 U. S. 652,667-669 (1990).
[11]507 F. 2d 759 (3d Cir. 1974).
[12]Finley v. Superior Court,80 Ca.l App. 4th 1152(2000).
[13]Marsili v. Pacific Gas& Elec. Co.,124 Ca.l Rptr. 313 (Ca.l Ct. App. 1975).
[14]Melvin Aron Eisenberg,Corporate Conduct That Does not Maximize Shareholder Gain:Legal Conduct,the Penumbra Effect,Reciprocity,the Prisoners Dilemma,Sheep’s Clothing,Social Conduct,and Disclosure,28Stetson L.Rev.8-17(1998).
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