试析证券市场虚假陈述案件中的“市场欺诈理论”——兼议《规定》 第18条和第19条/张松(5)
四、 结束语
“Fraud on the Market theory” in cases involving misstatements:
on Art. 18 & Art. 19 of the Regulation
Abstract: This article discusses the “Fraud on the Market theory” from the point of the conception, the reasons to develop the theory, the precedent condition of application and the defenses to application of the theory, comparing the Regulation by the People’s Supreme Court with American Securities Laws. The “Fraud on the Market” theory adopted by the Regulation, which conforms to the present condition of the securities market in China, provides the practical legal basis for establishing the causal connection between the loss and the conduct of misstatements in cases involving misstatements claims.
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