[12]See Steven M. Fleischer, Symposium Issue: The Right of Publicity: Preventing an Identity Crisis, Northern Kentucky Law Review,Vol.27,2000, p. 1019.
[14]Cal Civ Code§3344.1 (2010).
[15]See C. Allen Shaffer, The Standing of the Dead: Solving the Problem of Abandoned Graveyards, Capital University Law Review,Vol. 31,2003,p.496.
[16]Staudinger, BGB-Kommentar, 1999,§823 Rn. C38.
[17]Vg1. RGZ 154, 270 ; BGHZ 5,249.
[22]Russell and Steve, Sacred Ground: Unmarked Graves Protection in Texas Law,Texas Journal on Civil Liberties&Civil Rights, Vol.4, 1998,p.4.
[23]Cantwell v. Connecticut, 310 U. S.,at 303-304, 310 (1940).
[25]美国学者J. L斯图尔特在对中国传统文化作了细致考察后曾经指出:“祖先崇拜事实上才是中国的真正的宗教。”转引自左亚文:《中国人的祖宗观念及其现代阐释》,《学习论坛》2008年第9期。
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