provision of services)。从而保证全部纳税人都成为项目相关方并享受投资人的回报(The taxpayer will become a shareholder in projects and share in the ongoing investor returns.)。

PF2的公布是对基础设施采购方式的一次重大变革。由于应对了议会、公共部门及纳税人对PFI的重大关注(切),英国财政部充分相信:PF2将会成为将来公共基础设施及服务供应不可或缺的部分( PF2 will become an enduring part of public sector service and infrastructure provision for many years to come. )。

三、PF2 变更概要

1、股权融资(equity)。为了加强公共部门同私人部门的伙伴关系,政府愿意(1)以股权(非控股方式)方式共同投资PF2项目(look to act as a minority public equity co-investor in PF2 projects);(2)引入竞争形式按比例吸引长期投资人以股权投资形式投资项目(introduce funding competitions for a proportion of equity to attract long-term investors into projects prior to financial close.)。

2、促进(加快)交付(Accelerating delivery)。为了保证项目采购比过去快捷及便宜,政府(1)通过加强政府相关部门的职责来提高公共部门的采购能力(strengthening the mandate of Infrastructure UK and supporting departmental centralised procurement units);(2)PF2项目开始投标,必须在18个月内敲定投标人(a preferred bidder,)( committing that the tendering phase of PF2 projects, measured from project tender to the appointment of a preferred bidder, will not be allowed to take longer than 18 months unless an exemption from the Chief Secretary is agreed;);(3) 引入标准化的综合性的采购文件( introducing a standardised and efficient approach to PF2 procurement and launching a comprehensive suite of standard documentation);(4)加强项目准备程序过程中的审核(strengthening the scrutiny of project preparation by introducing additional Treasury checks at the pre-procurement stage)。

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