
3、灵活的服务(Flexible service provision)。为了改善服务的灵活性、透明度及效率,(1)将软服务从项目中剔除 (soft services such as cleaning and catering will be removed from projects);(2)采购当局有权从项目一开始就某些维修活动加入项目( procuring authorities will have discretion on the inclusion of certain minor maintenance activities at the project outset. There will be additional flexibility to add or remove certain elective services once a contract is in operation;);(3)公开帐目及收益分享机制使项目全寿命周期的盈余为相关方分享( an open book approach and a gain share mechanism for the lifecycle fund will introduced to facilitate the sharing of any surplus lifecycle funding;);(4)为了确保服务引入周期性的审核(periodic reviews of service provision will be introduced)。

4、透明度(Greater transparency)。为了PF2模式的透明度,政府愿意,(1) (introduce a control total for all commitments arising from off-balance sheet PF2 contracts signed;);(2)要求私营部门公布股权投资收益(require the private sector to provide equity return information for publication);(3)对于政府持有股权的项目每年要公布详细的年报及财务报告(publish an annual report detailing project and financial information on all project where Government holds a public sector equity stake);(4)在财政部网站上公布商务案例(introduce a business case approval tracker on the Treasury website);(5)在标准合同中改善信息披露规定(improve the information provisions within the standard contractual guidance)。

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