英国财政部Standardisation of PFI Contracts介绍/李继忠(12)
21.4.1 Introduction
21.4.2 Scope of Corrupt Gifts and Fraud
Clause 21.4.2 Corrupt Gifts and Fraud
Clause 21.4.3 Termination for Corrupt Gifts and Fraud
21.4.3 Compensation on Termination for Corrupt Gifts and Fraud
Clause 21.4.4 Compensation on Termination for Corrupt Gifts and Fraud
21.5 Voluntary Termination by Authority
21.5.1 Introduction
21.5.2 Consequences of Voluntary Termination
21.5.3 Compensation for Voluntary Termination
Clause 21.5.1 Voluntary Termination by the Authority
Clause 21.5.2 Compensation on Voluntary Termination
21.5.4 Authority Break Points
Clause 21.5.4 Termination on an Authority Break Point Date
Clause 21.5.5 Compensation on Termination on an Authority Break Point Date
21.6 Termination for Breach of the Refinancing Provisions
21.6.1 Introduction
21.6.2 Compensation on Termination for Breach of the Refinancing Provisions
Clause 21.6.1 Termination by the Authority for Breach of the Refinancing Provisions
Clause 21.6.2 Compensation on Termination for Breach of the Refinancing Provisions
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