[29]See Kuswardana v Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs(1981)35 ALR 186 esp,194 ff;Re Bowen v Repatriation Commission (1993)32 ALF 700,709ff.
[30]AAT Act(Cth),s.29(2),(7).
[31]See Re Control Investment Pty.Ltd v Australia Broadcasting Tribunal (No.1)(1981)3ALD 74;cf Alphapharm Pty Ltd v Smithkline Beecham(Australia)Pty Ltd(1994)32 ALD 71;Brisbane Airport Corp Ltd v Wright(2002)77 ALD 411;Confidential v Commissioner of Taxation(2012)AATA 178.
[32]AAT Act(Cth),s.31.
[33]Transurban City Link v Allan(1999)57 ALD 583;Re Fearmley v Australian Fisheries Management Authority(2005)87 ALD 159,esp at 172 ff.
[34]See AAT Act(Cth.),s 30(1);ADT Act(NSW),s 67;VCAT Act(Vic),s59(1);SAT Act(WA),s.36.
[35]AAT Act(Cth),s.29(1).
[36]参见行政裁判所官方网站 http:/ /www.aat.gov.au/ApplyingForAReview/WhenCanTheAATHelp.htm,最后访问日期为 2012 -3 -3。.
[37]AAT Act(Cth),s.29(2),(7).
[38]AAT Act(Cth),s.42A - 42B.
[40]AAT Act(Cth),ss.34A,E,&F,3(1).
[41]比如澳大利亚的土著人与英国裔、爱尔兰裔的澳大利亚人在调解是否需要面对面(face to face),调解员是否可以单独会见争议一方,调解员可否对案件的走向进行预测等方面的理解就存在不同。See Joanna Kalowski,Through the Cultural Prism:Mediation in Aus-tralia,http:/ / www.jok.com.au / publications / mediation - in - australia,on April 13,2012.
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