[16]Re Waterford v Director General of Social Services(1980)3 ALD 63.
[17]Re Keane v Australian Postal Commission(1977),1 ALD 53.
[18]数据来源为 AAT Annual Report 2010 - 2011,24[table 3.9].
[19]Douglas,Douglas and Jones’s Administrative Law,289.
[20]Re Ganchov v Comcare (1990)19 ALD 541.
[21]AAT Act(Cth),s.44(1).
[22]在 114 起上诉案件中,有 93 起案件是依照《联邦行政上诉裁判所法案》第 44 条提起的,另外 21 起是依据其他法案提起的。SeeAAT,Annual Report 2010 - 2011,18&25.
[23]Croker v Secretary Department of Employment and Workplace Relations [2006] FCA 1257;VCAT Act(Vic),s.3&148.
[24]Cf Alcoa of Australia Ltd v Swiss Aluminum Australia(1985)9 ALD 345;Australian Postal Commission v Hayes(1989)87 ALR 283 esp at 288;Bogaards v McMahon(1988)80 ALR342,348ff.
[25]Pancontinental Mining Ltd v Burns (1994)124 ALR 471esp,483.
[26]Bittmann v Australian Securities and Investments Commission(No 2)[2006] FCA 1786.
[27]Politis v Federal Commissioner of Taxation(1986)16 ALF 707 at 708;Commissioner of Taxation v A Taxpayer (2006)91 ALD 335,343.
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