欧盟宪法草案对欧盟人权保护机制的影响 (The Draft Constitution and Human Rights Protection in European/周大勇(21)
1, Ralph Beddard, Human Rights and Europe, Cambridge university press, 1993
2, J.P. Gardner, Aspects of Incorporation of the European Convention of Human Rights into Domestic Law, The British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 1993
3, Fritz Fabricius, Human Rights and European Politics, Berg Publishers Ltd, 1992
4, Lammy Betten & Nicholas Grief, EU Law and Human Rights, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd.,1998
5, Elspeth Guild & Guillaume Lesieur, The European Court of Justice on the European Convention on Human Rights, Kluwer Law International,1998
6, Michele de Salvia/Mark E.Villiger, The Birth of European Human Rights Law, Baden-Baden:Nomos Verlag, 1998
7, Nigel G.Foster, EC Legislation Handbook, Blackstone Press Ltd., 1998
8, Liz Heffernan, Human Rights-A European Perspective, Colour Books Ltd, Dublin, 1994
9, J.G.Merrills, Human Rights in Europe, Manchester University Press, 2001
10, Darcy S. Binder, The European Court of Justice and the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the European Community,
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