[7]《美国侵权法重述》( 第二版) 第 652C 条和 652E条.
[8]Ritzmann v. Weekly World News,614 F. Supp.1336 ( N. D. Tex. 1985) ; & Health v. Playboy Enterprises,Inc. ,732 F. Supp. 1145 ( S. D. Fla. 1990) ; Michaels v.
Internet Entertainment Group,Inc. ,5 F. Supp. 2d 823 ( C.D. Cal. 1998) .
[9]孔令杰.个人资料隐私的法律保护[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社,2009: 167 -168.
[10]James B. Rule,Graham Greenleaf. Global Privacy Protection[M]. Edward Elgar Publishing,2010: 111.
[11]五十岚清 . 人格权法[M]. 铃木贤,葛敏,译 .北京: 北京大学出版社,2009: 6.
[12]该条英文表述为: The purpose of this Act is to protect individual against his right to privacy being impaired through the handling of hie personal data.
[13] Margaret C. Jasper. Privacy and the Internet: Your Expectations and Rights under the Law[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2009: 52.
[14]Amtliche Entscheidungsammlung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts ( Official Case Reports of Bundesverfassungsgericht( Federal Law Constitutional Court) ) 65,1.
[15]齐爱民 . 论个人资料[J]. 法学,2003,( 8) : 80 -85.
[16]Gola/Schomerus,Bundesdatenschutzgesetz(BDSG) Kommentar,11. Auflage,Verlag C. H. Beck München 2012,Rn. 9.

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