关键词:法律经济学 波斯纳 经济分析 效益
Abstract : ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF LAW,the widely praised book ,focuses on economic analysis of nonmarket behaviors such as crime, the legal process, marriage, accidents and anti-racialism .It supplys us with a new and unconventional method to think of laws. Posner's doctrine about "Economic Analysis of Law" insists that efficiency should be regarded as the basic value of law. Its theory of efficiency value and method of economic analysis are a great breakthrough in law theory domain. This Note is intended to outline Posner's theory and reflects on the social problems, in order to consummate the law of market economy.
Key words : Economic analysis of law; Ponsner; Economic analysis; Efficiency
经济分析法学(economic analysis of law)又称为法律经济学,是60年代初首先在美国兴起的西方法学思潮之一。法律经济学使法学的研究手段拓宽到经济领域,使法学研究的视野不再局限于公平正义的权衡、选择,从而为法学理念的重新定位开辟了一条法学与经济结合的新径。法律经济学的集大成者首推美国芝加哥大学教授波斯纳,他被誉为70年代以来最为杰出的法律经济学家之一。其最重要的学术著作《法律的经济分析》全面地阐述了他的学说,标志着一个新的法学流派——经济分析法学派在学派林立的法学界已占据一席之地,为法学研究开辟了一块崭新的领地。
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