一销售商就相同的商品向不同的竞买者索取不同的价格或在限量供应(如对广告或其它服务的补偿)中对购买者实行歧视的行为可能违反《鲁宾逊-帕特曼法》。这种价格歧视可能使某些受到优待的消费者在市场中处于优势地位从而损害市场竞争。This kind of price discrimination may hurt competition by giving favored customers an edge in the market that has nothing to do with the superior efficiency of those customers. 尽管如此,有差别的市场价格从总体上来说是合法的,特别是当它们反映了和不同的购买者进行交易所产生的交易成本差异时,或者它们是由于一销售商付出试图与他的竞争者在价格与服务上保持一致的努力而引起的。
Price discrimination also might be used as a predatory pricing tactic -- setting prices below cost to certain customers -- to harm competition at the supplier’s level. Antitrust authorities use the same standards applied to predatory pricing claims under the Sherman Act and the FTC Act to evaluate allegations of price discrimination used for this purpose.
价格歧视也可能被作为一种掠夺性定价策略来使用,(如对某些特定的消费者索取低于成本的价格)并对供货商层面的竞争造成损害。反托拉斯当局对适用于谢尔曼法和联邦贸易委员会法规制下的掠夺性定价的指控采同一标准 以评估关于此类价格歧视行为的抗辩。
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: The gasoline stations in my area have increased their prices the same amount and at the same time. Is that price-fixing?
A: A uniform simultaneous price increase could be the result of price fixing, but it also could be the result of independent business responses to market conditions. For example, if conditions in the international oil markets result in an increase in the price of crude oil, there could be a ripple effect. Local gasoline stations may respond to the wholesale price of gasoline by increasing their prices to cover their higher costs. However, if there is evidence that the operators of the gasoline stations talked to each other about increasing prices, it may be an antitrust violation.
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