其它的一些行为则需要根据法院和反托拉局业已发展起来的一些原则对其进行详细的审查。这些案子是在 “理性原则”的分析下接受审查的。一种行为倘若其以某种明显的方式限制了竞争且没有免责正当的商事抗辩理由,那么它就是非法的。这些行为常有以下这些特征:通过提价,降低商品或服务的可用性,提供低品质的商品或低质量的服务,以及显著的抑制技术革新等手段来损害消费者的利益。
The antitrust laws are further complicated by the fact that many business practices can have a reasonable business justification even if they limit competition in some way. Consider an agreement among manufacturers to adopt specifications that require fire-resistant materials for certain products. The set of specifications may be called a standard. The agreement to adopt the standard is restrictive: the manufacturers have limited their own ability to use other materials, and they have limited consumer choice. But the agreement to adopt the standard may benefit consumers in that it provides assurances of safety.
What if manufacturers did not use a uniform standard for electrical outlets and plugs? The likely result would be incompatibilities between parts produced by different manufacturers. But because of the standard, parts manufactured by different companies become interchangeable; competition for the parts increases, and prices go down.
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