二十一世纪的美国行政法/黄忠 译(16)
[14] 见 A.B.Wolfe, Will and Reason in Economic Life, 1J. Soc. Phil, 218, 238-39(1936)(认为由专家领导的行政机关可能会限制政治民主,但对经济效率却会产生有益的影响。)。
[15] Pub.L.No.79-404, 60 Stat.237 (codified as amended in scattered sections of 5U.S.C)。
[16] 见 Stephen G.Breyer等, Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy 26-30(2002年第5版)。
[17] 例如可参见:Robert C. Fellmeth, The Interstate Commerce Omission: The Public Interest and the ICC:The Ralph Nader Study Group Report on the Interstate Commerce Commission and Transportation 311-25(1970)(detailing role of industry influence in failure of ICC to regulate for public interest);James S.Turner, The Chemical Feast:The Ralph Nader Study Group Report on Food Protection and Drug Administration1-4(1970)(认为FDA的努力受到了院外活动集团、贸易协会和大企业的阻碍);又见:Charles McCarry, Citizen Nader217(1972)(Nader及其同事认为美国人的生活是建立在直接贸易上的——用政治权利交换商业利益,反之亦然。);Cass R.Sunstein, Comstitutionalism After the New Deal,101 Harv. L.REV.421.448-49(1987)(描述了俘虏(capture)现象).。
[18] 一般可参:Public Interest Law:An Economic and Institutional Analysis 1978年出版。
[19] 可参见:Cass R.Sunstein, After the Rights Revolution: Reconceiving the Regula-tory State 24(1990)(是自六七十年代的“新政”之后最著名的创举。这一时期标志着受法律所保护之权利类型的革命,即以新政为基础并大大扩张了其权利。);又见Kal Raustiala.The Architecture of International Cooperation: Transgovernmental Networks and the Future of International Law.43 Va.J.Int’l L.1,15(2002) (提出了“权利革命”的行政机构与新政行政机构的不同管理目标)。
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