二十一世纪的美国行政法/黄忠 译(23)
[49] 一般可见Michael C. Dorf & Charles F. Sabel, A Constitution of Democratic Experimentalism, 98 Colum. L. Rev. 267, 283 (1998)(针对现代生活的情况提出了民主实验主义(democratic experimentalism)的管理模式)。
[50] Joshua Cohen & Charles F. Sabel, Sovereignty and Solidarity: EU and US, in Governing Work and Welfare in a New Economy: European and American Experiments 691, 694-95 (Jonathan Zeitlin与David Trubeck主编,2003年即将出版) [hereinafter Governing Work], 可浏览 http: //web. mit. edu/ polisci/ research/ cohen/ sovereignty and_ solidarity_EU_ _ and_US. pdf.;有关协作公开方法(OMC)的描述,可参见:Caroline de la Porte & Philippe Pochet, Introduction, in Building Social Europe Through the Open Method of Co-ordination 11, 13-16 (Caroline de la Porte与Philippe Pochet主编,2002年出版);有关OMC在就业政策上的运用的评估可参阅:Catherine Barnard & Simon Deakin, “Negative” and “Positive” Harmonization of Labor Law in the European Union, 8 Colum. J. Eur. L. 389, 411-12 (2002); David M. Trubek & James Mosher, New Governance, EU Employment Policy, and the European Social Model, in Governing Work, 同前,at 95可浏览http: // www. jeanmonnetprogram. org/ papers/ 01/ 011501. html。
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