论我国 《海商法》中“提单持有人”的内涵限定与外延拓展/郑梁(8)
概念必须精确、规范、统一,“对那些其法律意义与普遍语义有区别的概念,容易引起误解和歧义的概念,在立法中首次使用的概念,法律、法规或规章必须给予定义或作出解释。对实施过程中需要解释的概念,有关制定机关或适用机关应作出及时的、明确的解释”。 笔者以为,“提单持有人”恰是同时符合前述三类必须予以解释标准的概念,对其内涵和外延作出合理、明确的界定,不仅是科学立法的要求,也有助于高效、妥善地解决实务纷争。本文关于“提单持有人”内涵与外延的界定与区分源于对现行立法和司法实践的考察与归纳,其准确性与科学性同样有待于将来司法实践的检验。
On Narrowing the Connotation of “Holder of B/L” and Widening its Extensions in PRC Maritime Code
(School of law, Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, Shanghai 200336 )
Abstract: “The holder of B/L” is a basic conception in personam in maritime law, in a sense it is an overlapping conception between the laws of carriage of goods and the laws of international sales of goods. However, it is not yet clearly defined under the prevailing enforceable law, and there exists logic contradiction among the relevant regulations. The author tries to narrowly define the concept of “the holder of B/L” and its connotations as well as its extensions in our maritime law by methods of comparative analysis and case study.
Keywords: holder of bill of lading; elements of qualification; extension; precedents study
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