注释:[1]: 江平主编《中华人民共和国合同法》,中国政法大学出版社1999年3月第1版第238页。
[2]:David Barker and Colin Padfield 《Law Made Simple》, Eleventh edition 2002, An imprint of Elsevier Science P99
[3]:杨立新《新型侵权案例分析之五•好意同乘的侵权行为》杨立新民商法评论 2004年3月19日 www.yanglx.com
[4]: [美]爱德华.J.柯恩卡/著(EDWARD J. KIONKA)《侵权法》(TORTS)第2版 法律出版社1999年10月第一版P255
[5]: http://www.leagla-explanations.com /definitions/guest.htm
Guest Statute : n. State law establishing standards of care that a car driver owes to his/her non-paying passenger. State laws vary, but the social passenger can generally file a negligence suit against the driver for gross negligence only if the driver could have predicted that his/her actions could have placed the rider in great danger. For example: driving while drunk, going far over the speed limit, playing "chicken," taking chances, driving a car knowing the brakes are faulty, or particularly continuing the reckless driving after the passenger has asked the driver to stop or asked to be let out.
[6]: http://www.in.gov/legislative/ic/code/title34/ar30/ch11.pdf
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