Abstract: Evasion of the law takes in the private international law a unique legal matter,dodges legal with the common litigant the behavior to have the remarkable difference. The evasion of the law phenomenon usually occurs that seriously conflicts the various countries' law dignity. Therefore, we should research evasion of the law question constitution important document and potency question. Thus the promotes of the international people trading contact normal development have the theory valueness and the practice significance.
关键字: 法律规避 法律规避的认定 法律规避的效力
Keyword: evasion of the law cognizance the evasion of law the effect of evasion of law
法律规避是指在涉外民商事领域,当事人有意识地变更法院地国冲突规范连接点所涵盖的具体事实,并以变更后的具体事实为媒介而间接取得对另一国法律的适用,避开原本应适用的强制性和禁止性实体规范或程序规范,的一种规范层面的选法行为或逃法行为。自1878年法国法院审理的鲍富莱蒙案以来,法律规避便成为国际私法的一个基本问题,引起了国际私法学者的广泛注意和较为深入的研究。 随着现代国际民商事的交往日益增多,法律规避现象时有发生,不仅存在于亲属法、婚姻法,契约法领域,而且几乎渗透到国际私法的各个领域,诸如公司法、运输法、保险法等。
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