③ Crandall W.Robert and Leonard Waverman. 1995. Talk is Cheap: The Promise of Regulatory Reform in North American Telecommunications. The Brookings Institution.
④ 冯兴元:《电讯行业的管制和垄断要不得》,,2000年5月21日下载。
⑤ 市场权力意味着企业对市场价格具有影响力,通常由企业占有的市场份额决定的。在美国,超过70%的市场份额就被看作具有对市场的垄断权力,许多法院甚至采取如下的立场,把占有50%市场份额的公司看作“发现垄断的先决条件”。参见:Cameron, Duncan and Mark Glick. 1996. "Market Share and Market Power in Merger and Monopolization Cases", Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol.17: 193.
① 包括错误的、失败的或管理不善的全部投资。
② Alchian. A.A. 1995. "Vertical Intergration and Regulation in the Teleone Industry", Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol.16, Number 4: 323.
③ 对于1982年美国法院判决原Bell System解体一案的批评和重新思考,参见Arrow, K. J, D.W.Carlton and H.S. Sider. 1995. "The Competitive Effects of Ling-of-Business Restriction in Telecommunication", Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol.16, Number 4: 301-322.
Higgins, R.S. 1995. "The Cost and Benefits of the AT&T Antitrust Settlement: An Overview", Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol.16, Number 4: 275-282.
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