
1.Consti‘tutionalism and China 1
2.On Rulingthe Country by Law 37
3.BasiC Contradiction between Rule of Law and
Rule of Man 69
4.sCientific Nature of the Concept of Rule of Law 92
5.Theoretical Basis and significance of Ruling the
Country bv Law 113
6.Ruling the Country by Law and Building a
SOcialist state under Rule of Law 127
7.Essentials on the Implementation of the strategY
Of Governing the Country according to Law 163
8.Rule of Law in China:Ideal and Reality 175
9.Outline of the Theory on the Spirit of the Law 191
10.Explanations on the Proposed Legislation Law
of the People’s Republic of China 204
11.Some Thoughts on the People’s congress
system of China 229
12.The Urgent Task of Establishing the Judicial
Review svstem 240
13.Adhering to the I)rincipIe of Equality of AlI
Citizens before the Law 246
14.Several Issues on Judicial Independence 250
15.Policy and Law 274
16.The Party Must Act within the sCope of the
Constitution and the Law 292
17.The Need to Reform the System of Examination
and Approval 0f Cases by the Party Committee 300
18.The Development Of JurisPrudencein the new era 305
19.Several TheoreticalIssues on Constitution 315
20·Basic Theory and Practice of Socialist HumanRight 333
21·Historical Development of Hurnan Rights
System and Theory 354
22·On Three Existential states Of Human Rights 363
23·On the Origin of Human Rights 380
24·On the University and DiVersity Of Hurnan rights 403
25·On IndiVidual and CollectiVe Human Rights 415
26·TWO Theoretic QuestiOIlS about Human rights 436
27·International Protection of Human rights and
the state Sovereignty 447
28.On the Main Points 0f Development Right 461
29.The Conception of Citizenship in China 475
30.Chinese CitiZen's to Work 484
31.On Legal statUS of Criminals in China 500
Reading Li Buyun 507
Author's Preface of Rule of Law 512
Author’s Preface of Jurisprudence Explorration 517