


[国际法的性质] 国际法的名称 (International Law)(200)

国际法律共同体 (International Legal Community)(202)

区域国际法 (Regional International Law)(489)

国际私法 (Private International Law)(237)

国际行政法 (international administrative law)(250)

国际刑法 (international criminal law)(247)

国家间刑事问题法律协助 (legal assistance between states in criminal procedure matters)(274)

国际发展法 (international law of development)(197)

礼让 (comity)(373)

国际关系中的信仰、伦理和道德 (Ethos, Ethics and Morality in International Law)(220)

国际法与外交政策 (international law and foreign policy)(209)

国际法中的时际法问题 (intertemporal law in international Law)(214)

国际法的学说和学派 (international law, doctrine and school of thoughts)(200)

自然法 (Natural Law)(764)

实在法学派 (Positivism)(543)

权力政治学说 (doctrine of power politics)(494)

政策定向学派 (policyoriented jurisprudence)(717)

苏联社会主义的国际法理论 (USSR socialist theory of international law)(564)

女性主义学说 (fiminist jurisprudence)(451)

国际法的渊源 (sources of international law)(201)

习惯国际法 (customary international law)(630)

国际惯例 (international usage)(221)

默认 (acquiescence)(436)

一贯反对者规则 (persistent objector rule)(655)

即时习惯法 (instant customary law)(327)

一般法律原则 (general principles of law)(653)

禁止反言 (estoppel)(344)

善意 (good faith)(512)

公允及善良 (ex aequo et bono)(163)

国际法上的公平 (equity in international law)(205)

司法判例 (judicial decisions)(557)

公法学家学说 (teachings of the publicists)(156)

国际组织决议的效力 (effect of resolutions of international organizations)(263)

软法 (soft law)(507)

国际法的编纂 (codification of international law)(199)

1815年维也纳会议 (Vienna Congress, 1815)(653)

1856年巴黎和约 (Paris Peace Treaty, 1856)(652)

国际法委员会 (International Law Commission)(207)

国际法学家委员会 (International Commission of Jurists)(208)

国际法学会 (Académie de Droit International)(208)

国际法研究院 (Institut de Droit International)(209)

国际法协会 (International Law Association)(208)

亚非法律协商委员会 (AsianAfrican Legal Consultative Committee)(647)


二元论 (dualism)(110)

一元论 (monisim)(670)

国际法院和法庭对国内法的适用 (municipal Law applied in international courts and tribunals)(211)

国际公法在国内法院的应用:英国 (public international law applied in municipal court: United Kingdom)(216)

国际公法在国内法院的应用:美国 (public international law applied in municipal court: United States)(215)

自动执行条约和非自动执行条约 (selfexecuting treaties and nonselfexecuting treaties)(764)

国际公法在国内法院的应用:中国 (Public International Law Applied in Municipal Court: China)(218)


古代国际法 (international law in ancient times)(166)

近代国际法 (classical system of international law)(342)

1648年威斯特伐利亚和会 (Westphalia, Peace of 1648)(669)

格老秀斯 (Hugo Grotius)(154)

现代国际法 (modern international law)(633)

当代国际法 (contemporary international law)(80)

冷战对国际法的影响 (effect of Cold War, on international law)(370)

美洲国际法 (American international law)(421)

欧盟法 (EU Law)(454)

非洲与国际法 (Africa and international law)(142)

亚洲与国际法 (Asia and International Law)(649)

国际法传入中国 (introduction of international law to China)(198)



对一切的义务 (obligations erga omnes)(104)

强行法 (〔拉丁〕jus cogens)(482) [

国际法基本原则的历史发展] 门罗主义 (Monroe Doctrine)(429)

1955年万隆会议 (Bandung Conference1955)(668)

1970年《国际法原则宣言》 (1970 Declaration on the Principles of International Law)(663)

《各国经济权利和义务宪章》 (Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States)(155)

国家主权平等 (states sovereign equality)(281)

国家主权 (state sovereignty)(280)

不使用武力或武力威胁原则 (principle of nonuse or threat of force)(55)

侵略 (aggression)(483)

不干涉原则 (principle of nonintervention)(52)

干涉 (intervention)(153)

内政 (internal affairs)(447)

人道主义干涉 (humanitarian intervention)(497)

科索沃战争 (Kosovo War)(357)

和平解决国际争端 (peaceful settlement of international disputes)(308)

国际合作 (international cooperation)(223)

和平共处五项原则 (five principles of peaceful coexistence)(307)

和平共处 (peaceful coexistence)(306)

国际法的主体 (subjects of international law)(201)


事实上的主体 (de facto subjects)(549)

国家的连续性 (continuity of state)(266)

对外关系的权力 (foreign relations power)(103)

国际法上的个人 (individuals in international law)(205)

国际法中的国内法人 (national legal persons in international law)(214)

联邦国家 (federal states)(380)

邦联和其他国家联合 (confederations and other unions of states)(27)

英联邦 (British Commonwealth of Nations)(683)

法兰西共同体 (Le Communauté Franaise)(115)

君合国 (personal union)(352)

政合国 (real union)(720)

独立国家联合体 (Commonwealth of Independent States)(95)

教廷 (Holy See)(335)

永久中立国 (permanently neutral state)(686)

不结盟国家 (nonaligned states)(53)

被保护国 (protectorates)(39)

自治领土 (autonomous territories)(771)

非自治领土 (nonselfgoverning territories)(143)

委任统治 (mandates)(615)

殖民地和殖民体系 (colonies and colonial regime)(724)

民族解放运动 (national liberation movements)(434)

以色列和阿拉伯国家 (Israel and Arab States)(677)

巴勒斯坦 (Palestine)(18)

巴勒斯坦解放组织 (Palestine Liberation Organization,PLO)(19)


国际法上的承认 (recognition in international law)(204)

法律上的承认 (recognition de jure)(119)

事实承认 (recognition de facto)(549)

构成说 (constitutive theory)(165)

宣告说 (declaratory theory)(644)


合并 (annexation)(303)

分离 (secession)(144)

解体 (dismemberment)(341)

前南斯拉夫 (Former Yugoslavia)(479)

苏联 (Soviet Union,USSR)(562)

捷克斯洛伐克 (Czechoslovakia)(339)

国家的消亡 (extinction of states)(266)

津巴布韦 (Zimbabwe)(341)

《关于承认在东欧和苏联产生的新国家的指导方针的声明》 (Declaration on the “Guidelines on the Recognition of New States in Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union”)(168)

政府承认 (recognition of governments)(718)

有效统治 (effective control)(695)

托巴主义 (Tobar doctrine)(590)

威尔逊主义 (Wilson doctrine)(613)

艾斯特拉达主义 (Estrada doctrine)(5)

不承认 (nonrecognition)(50)

史汀生主义 (Stimson Doctrine)(544)

对交战状态的承认 (recognition of belligerency)(98)

对叛乱状态的承认 (Recognition of Insurgency)(101)

流亡政府 (government in exile)(408)

对中华人民共和国的承认 (Recognition of the Peoples Republic of China)(104)

中华人民共和国在承认问题上的实践 (recognition: practice of the Peoples Republic of China)(751)


国家继承 (state succession)(274)


《关于国家在条约方面的继承的维也纳公约》 (Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties)(174)

白板规则 (clean slate rule)(24)

中华人民共和国有关条约的继承 (succession of PRC in respect of treaties)(750)

国家债务的继承 (succession of state debts)(280)

恶债 (malicious debts)(107)

国家财产的继承 (succession of state property)(265)

国家财产 (state property)(265)

中华人民共和国有关财产的继承 (succession of PRC in respect of property)(749)

国家档案的继承 (succession of state archives)(266)

《关于国家对国家财产、档案和债务的继承的维也纳公约》 (Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of State Property, Archives and Debts)(173)

国籍与国家继承 (nationality and state succession)(193)

政府继承 (succession of government)(719)

国家基本权利和义务 (fundamental rights and duties of states)(274)


政治独立 (political independence)(720)


平等互利原则 (the principle of equality and mutual benefit)(473)

国际法上的不歧视原则 (principle of nondiscrimination in international law)(203)

自卫 (selfdefense)(769)

预先性自卫 (anticipatory selfdefense)(697)

自卫的必要性 (necessity of selfdefense)(771)

自卫的比例性 (proportionality of selfdefense)(770)


国家管辖权 (jurisdiction of states)(269)

属地管辖权 (territorial jurisdiction)(552)

属人管辖权 (personality jurisdiction)(554)

保护性管辖权 (Protective Jurisdiction)(30)

普遍管辖 (universal jurisdiction)(475)

或引渡或起诉 (aut dedere aut judicare)(324)

国际罪行 (international crimes)(264)

域外管辖权 (extraterritorial jurisdiction)(698)


国家豁免 (state immunity)(271)

绝对豁免理论 (absolute immunity doctrine)(349)

限制豁免理论 (restrictive immunity doctrine)(634)

国家豁免的放弃 (waiver of state immunity)(272)

《欧洲国家豁免公约》 (European Convention on State Immunity)(458)

国家责任 (state responsibility) (280)

《国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案》 (Draft Articles on State Responsibility for Internationally Wrongful Acts)(267)


国际不法行为 (internationally wrongful acts)(194)

国家行为 (acts of state)(279)

权利滥用 (abuse of rights)(495)

拒绝司法 (denial of justice)(349)

损害 (damages)(567)

征收或国有化 (expropriation or nationalization)(715)

过失和严格责任 (Fault and Strict Liability)(285)

国家对私人行为的责任 (responsibility of states for private act)(269)

严重违背依一般国际法强制性规范承担的义务 (serious breaches of obligations under peremptory norms of general international law)(650)


同意 (consent)(586)

反措施 (countermeasures)(126)

危急情况 (necessity)(613)


对国际不法行为的赔偿 (reparation for internationally wrongful acts)(97)

恢复原状 (restitution)(319)

抵偿 (satisfaction)(86)

中国国民对日民间求偿 (Chinese nongovernmental claims against Japan)(736)

限制主权 (restriction of sovereignty)(635)

国际赔偿责任 (International Liability)(234)


国籍 (nationality)(191)

血统主义 (jus sanguinis doctrine)(645)

出生地主义 (jus soli doctrine)(69)

归化 (naturalization)(188)

国籍法 (law of nationality)(192)

《中华人民共和国国籍法》 (The Law of Nationality of the Peoples Republic of China)(742)

双重国籍 (double nationality)(556)

国籍选择权 (right to option of nationality)(192)

无国籍人 (stateless persons)(621)


外国人 (aliens)(599)

外国人的入出境 (entrance into and departure from a state of aliens)(600)

移民 (immigration)(672)

签证 (visa)(478)

护照 (passport)(315)

驱逐出境 (expulsion)(493)

最低国际标准 (international minimum standard)(771)

外国人的兵役义务 (aliens military service duty)(600)

中国关于外国人待遇的规定 (Chinas regulations regarding the treatment of aliens)(733)

外交保护 (diplomatic protection)(606)

用尽当地救济 (exhaustion of local remedies)(687)

卡尔沃主义和卡尔沃条款 (Calvo Doctrine, Calvo Clause)(353)


引渡 (extradition)(680)

引渡条约 (extradition treaties)(682)

双重归罪原则 (principle of double criminality)(555)

政治犯不引渡 (nonextradition of political offender)(720)

中华人民共和国关于引渡的实践 (practice concerning extradition of Peoples Republic of China) (742)

《中华人民共和国引渡法》 (The Extradition Law of the Peoples Republic of China)(749)

领域庇护 (territorial asylum)(407)

外交庇护 (diplomatic asylum)(607)

难民 (refugees)(444)

不推回原则 (principle of nonrefoulement)(55)

国际难民组织 (International Refugee Organization, IRO)(233)

联合国难民事务高级专员办事处 (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR)(388)

《联合国难民署章程》 (Statue of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) (389)

联合国难民事务高级专员 (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)(388)

联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处 (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in Near East, UNWAR)(385)

1951年《关于难民地位的公约》 (Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees)(668)

1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》 (Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees)(661)

南森护照 (Nansen Passport)(443)

难民的甄别 (identification of refugees)(445)



人权 (human rights)(500)

人权和人道法 (Human Rights and Humanitarian Law)(501)

人权法 (human rights law)(500)

1945年以前的国际人权保护 (international human rights protection before 1945)(665)

国际人权宪章 (the International Bill of Human Rights)(235)

《世界人权宣言》 (Universal Declaration on Human Rights)(547)

《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》 (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights)(162)

对人权的克减 (derogation of human rights)(102)

《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》 (International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) (347)

《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约任择议定书》 (Optional Protocol to the International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)(346)


对个人和群体的歧视 (discrimination against individuals and groups)(96)

种族和宗教歧视 (racial and religious discrimination)(754)

种族灭绝 (genocide)(755) 《

防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》 (Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide)(134)

种族隔离 (racial segregation)(754)

南非的种族隔离 (South African apartheid)(441)

性别歧视 (discrimination on the ground of gender)(643)

《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》 (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women)(638)

《〈消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约〉任择议定书》 (Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women)(639)

少数者 (minorities)(516)

强迫劳动 (forced labor)(481)

奴隶制 (slavery)(449)

酷刑 (torture)(363)

强制搬迁 (forced removal)(483)

反人类罪 (crimes against humanity)(129)

土著居民的保护 (protection of indigenous populations or peoples,)(589)

死刑 (capital punishment)(561)

发展权 (right to development)(112)

强迫失踪 (forced disappearance)(482)


联合国人权委员会 (United Nations Commission on Human Rights)(391)

促进和保护人权小组委员会 (SubCommission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights) (71)

1503程序 (1503 Procedure)(669)

人权理事会 (Human Rights Council)(501)

人权事务高级专员 (High Commissioner for Human Rights)(502)

联合国人权事务高级专员办事处 (Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights) (390)

经济、社会、文化权利委员会 (Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Human Rights) (346)

人权事务委员会 (Human Rights Committee)(503)

消除种族歧视委员会 (Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination)(639)

儿童权利委员会 (Committee on the Rights of the Child)(108)

禁止酷刑委员会 (Committee against Torture)(345)

消除对妇女歧视委员会 (Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women)(638)

大赦国际 (Amnesty International)(73)

人权观察 (Human Rights Watch)(501)

特别报告员制度 (special rapporteur system)(573)

联合国特别报告员 (United Nations Special Rapporteurs)(392)

工作组制度 (working group system)(156)

强迫或非自愿失踪问题工作组 (Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance)(481)

任意拘禁问题工作组 (Working Group on Arbitrary Detention)(504)

使用雇佣军作为侵犯人权和阻止发展权行使的工具问题工作组 (The Working Group on the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to selfdetermination)(545)

非洲人后裔问题专家工作组 (Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent)(141)

妇女地位来文工作组 (Working Group on Communication on the Status of Women)(151)

国家人权机构 (national human rights institutions)(275)

《巴黎原则》 (The Paris Principles)(19)

国家人权机构国际会议 (International Conference of National Human Rights Institutions)(277)

国家人权机构国际协调委员会 (International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, ICC)(277)

国家人权机构国际协调委员会资格认证小组委员会 (ICC SubCommittee on Accreditation)。(278)

国家人权机构亚太论坛 (Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions)(279)

国家人权机构非洲网络 (Network of African National Human Rights Institutions)(276)

国家人权机构欧洲协调委员会 (European Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions)(278)

国家人权机构美洲网络 (The Network of National Institutions of the Americas)(278)


1975年《赫尔辛基会议及欧洲安全和合作最后文件》 (Helsinki Conference and Final Act on Security) (663)

《欧洲社会宪章》 (European Social Charter)(465)

《欧盟基本权利宪章》 (The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union)(455)

1950年《欧洲人权公约》 (European Convention on Human Rights, ECHR)(667)

欧洲人权法院 (European Court of Human Rights)(463)

欧洲人权委员会 (European Commission on Human Rights)(464)

《非洲人权和民族权宪章》 (African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights)(141)

《美洲人权公约》 (American Convention on Human Rights)(428)

美洲国家间人权法院 (Human Rights Court of InterAmerican Organization)(426)

美洲国家间人权委员会 (InterAmerican Commission on Human Rights)(427)

亚洲人权委员会 (Asian Human Rights Commission)(649)

亚洲法律资源中心 (Asian Legal Resource Centre)(648)

《阿拉伯人权宪章》 (Arab Charter on Human Rights)(4)



领土主权 (territorial sovereignty)(407)

领土的租借 (lease of territory)(406)

共管 (condominium)(164)

国际地役 (international servitudes)(196)

领土完整 (territorial integrity)(406)

飞地 (enclaves)(136)

国际领土 (international territories)(229)

国际河流 (International Rivers)(223)

巴塞罗那会议(1921年) (Bacelona Conference)(24)

《过境自由公约与规约》 (Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit)(284)

《国际可航水道的制度的国际公约与规约》 (Convention and Statute on the Régime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern)(227)

国际水道非航行使用 (nonnavigational uses of international watercourses)(235)

湄公河 (Mekong River)(417)

《湄公河流域可持续发展合作协定》 (The Agreement on the Cooperation for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong River Basin)(418)

莱茵河 (Rhine River)(368)

《莱茵河航行修订公约》(1999年) (Revised Convention on Navigation on the Rhine,1999)(369)

《保护莱茵河公约》 (Convention on the Protection of the Rhine)(29)

莱茵河—美因河—多瑙河水道 (RhineMainDanube Waterway)(370)

多瑙河 (Danube River)(106)

《保护多瑙河和可持续利用合作公约》 (Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Danube River)(28)

尼日尔河制度 (Niger River Regime)(447)

巴拿马运河 (Panama Canal)(20)

苏伊士运河 (Suez Canal)(565)

基尔运河 (Kiel Canal)(325)

土耳其海峡 (Turkish Straits)(588)


领土的取得 (acquisition of territory)(406)

先占 (occupation)(633)

领土的发现 (discovery of territory)(405)

与土著居民的条约 (treaties with indigenous populations)(696)

时效 (prescription)(542)

征服 (conquest)(714)

添附 (accretion)(576)

割让 (cession)(153)

领土的放弃 (abandonment of territory)(405)

公民投票 (plebiscite)(162)

马尔维纳斯群岛/福克兰群岛 (Malvinas/Falkland Islands)(415) 香

港 (Hong Kong)(636)

澳门 (Macau)(13)

台湾 (Taiwan)(568)

斯匹次卑尔根/斯瓦尔巴群岛 (Spitsbergen/Svalbard)(560)

直布罗陀 (Gibraltar)(722)

钓鱼岛 (Diaoyudao Islands)(90)

《开罗宣言》 (Cairo Declaration)(355)

边界 (Boundaries)(46)

保持占有主义 (Doctrine of uti possidetis)(28)

边境制度 (frontier regime)(47)

划界 (delimitation)(317)

中国的边界争端 (Chinas boundary disputes)(725)


南极条约体系 (the Antarctic Treaty System)(442)

《南极条约》 (the Antarctic Treaty)(441)

北极地区 (the Arctic)(37)

扇形原则 (sector principle)(512)

海洋法 (Law of the Sea) (292)

[概述] 海

洋法的历史 (history of the law of the sea)(292)

海洋自由论 (mare liberum)(297)

联合国海洋法会议 (UN Conferences on the Law of the Sea)(384)

里海 (Caspian Sea)(374)

内陆国和地理不利国 (LandLocked and Geographically Disadvantaged States)(446)

基线 (baselines)(326)

灯塔和灯船 (lighthouses and lightships)(84)

岛屿 (islands)(82)

群岛和群岛国 (archipelagos and archipelagic states)(495)

西沙群岛 (Xisha Islands)(630)

南沙群岛 (Nansha Islands)(443)


内水制度 (regime of internal waters)(446)

港口 (ports)(153)

有关海港国际制度的日内瓦公约和规约 (Geneva Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Maritime Ports)(692)

海湾 (bays and gulfs)(290)

历史性海湾 (historic bays)(374)

渤海湾 (Bohai Bay)(49)

北部湾 (Beibu Gulf)(35)

领海 (territorial sea)(400)

领海主权 (sovereignty in territorial sea)(402)

无害通过制度 (innocent passage regime)(623)

军舰的无害通过权问题 (innocent passage of warships)(350)

毗连区 (contiguous zone)(472)

群岛水域 (archipelagic waters)(495)


大陆架的法律概念 (legal concept of continental shelf)(72)

大陆架的外部界限 (outer limits of continental shelf)(73)

沿海国在大陆架上的权利 (rights of coastal states on continental shelf)(651)

定居种渔业 (sedentary fisheries)(91)

专属经济区 (exclusive economic zone)(761)

沿海国在专属经济区的权利和管辖权 (rights and jurisdiction of coastal states in Exclusive Economic Zone)(651)

2001年东海沉船事件 (sinking of the unidentified vessel in the East China Sea, 2001)(109)

专属经济区的军事利用 (military uses of exclusive economic zone)(761)

2001年中美撞机事件 (the American spy airplane incident,2001)(109)

专属渔区 (exclusive fishery zones)(762)

人工岛屿和结构 (artificial islands and installations)(498)

专属经济区和大陆架的关系 (relations between exclusive economic zone and continental shelf)(762)

海洋划界 (maritime delimitation)(294)

中国的海洋划界问题 (maritime delimitation related to China)(725)

海峡 (straits)(290)

达达尼尔海峡、马尔马拉海、博斯普鲁斯海峡 (Dardanelles, Sea of Marmara, Bosporus)(72)

用于国际航行的海峡 (straits used for international navigation)(689)

过境通行制度 (transit passage)(283)

公海 (high seas)(158)

公海自由 (freedoms on the high seas)(160)

航行自由 (navigation, freedom of)(302)

出入海洋的权利 (right of access to the sea)(68)

1958年《公海公约》 (Convention on the High Seas,1958)(666)

船舶的国籍和地位 (ships, nationality and status)(69)

方便旗 (flag of convenience)(133)

紧追权 (hot pursuit)(341)

海洋科学研究 (marine research)(296)

海上管辖权 (jurisdiction on the sea)(288)

海盗 (piracy)(286)

未经许可的广播 (unauthorized broadcasting)(616)

公海生物资源的养护 (conservation of living resources of the high seas)(159)

国际渔业制度 (international regulation on fisheries)(253)

跨界鱼类种群 (straddling fish stocks)(365)

渔业委员会 (Fishery Commission)(696)

1995年《关于执行1982年12月10日〈联合国海洋法公约〉有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度 洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定》 (1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provision of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks)(660)

捕鲸制度 (Whaling Regime)(50)

登临权 (right of visit)(85)

1993年“银河号”事件 (the Yinhe Incident,1993)(660)

国际海底区域 (international seabed area)(221)

人类共同继承财产 (common heritage of mankind)(499)

国际海底管理局 (International SeaBed Authority)(221)

深海采矿制度 (deep seabed mining regime)(535)

1994年《关于执行1982年12月10日〈联合国海洋法公约〉第十一部分的协定》 (1994 Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982)(660)

国际海洋法法庭 (International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea)(222)

海底争端分庭 (Seabed Disputes Chamber)(287)



航空法 (air law)(300)

1919年《巴黎航空公约》 (Paris Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation,1919)(668)

1944年《国际民用航空公约》 (International Civil Aviation Convention,1944)(664)


领空主权 (sovereignty over airspace)(402)

海域上空的空气空间 (airspace over maritime areas)(297)

航空器 (aircraft)(301)

国家航空器 (state aircraft)(271)


航空运输协定 (Air Transport Agreements)(302)

华沙体系 (Warsaw System)(315)

五项自由协定 (Five Freedoms Agreement)(624)

两项自由协定 (Two Freedoms Agreement)(397)

航空运输的损害赔偿责任 (liabilities in air transport)(301)


危害民用航空安全的非法行为 (Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation)(612)

空中劫持 (hijacking or unlawful seizure of aircraft)(361)

空中刑事管辖权 (aerial criminal jurisdiction)(362)

外层空间法 (outer space law)

空气空间和外层空间的界线 (frontier between outer space and airspace)(360)

外层空间条约 (Outer Space Treaty)(592)

航天器、卫星和空间物体 (spacecraft, satellite and space objects)(302)

宇航员 (astronauts)(697)

天体 (celestial bodies)(576)

1979年《月球协定》 (The Moon Agreement,1979)(662)

联合国和平利用外层空间委员会 (UN Committer on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space)(385)

空间活动的国家责任和赔偿责任 (responsibility and liability for space activities)(359)

《空间物体所造成损害的国际责任公约》 (Convention on International Liability for Damages Caused by Space Objects)(360)

登记制度 (registration regime)(84)

营救制度 (rescue regime)(686)

卫星直接电视广播 (direct satellite broadcasting)(616)

从外层空间遥感地球 (remote sensing of the earth from outer space)(70)

核动力源的使用 (the use of nuclear power sources)(309)



外交关系 (diplomatic relations)(609)

半外交关系 (semi diplomatic relations)(27)

外交关系法 (law of diplomatic relations)(609)

领事关系 (consular relations)(402)

领事关系法 (law of consular relations)(403)

外交机关 (diplomatic organs)(610)

国家元首 (head of state)(279)

外交部长 (foreign minister)(608)

外交代表机关 (organs of diplomatic representatives)(609)

使节 (envoys)(545)

使节权 (the right to send and receive envoys)(545)

建交 (establishment of diplomatic relations)(333)

外交关系的升级或降格 (upgradation or degradation of diplomatic relations)(609)

断交与外交代表机构暂时关闭 (termination of diplomatic relations and suspension of diplomatic organs) (96)

外交代表机构的等级 (hierarchies of diplomatic mission)(608)

大使 (ambassador)(75)

公使 (minister,commissioner)(163)

代办 (charge daffaires)(75)

临时代办 (〔拉丁〕ad hoc charge daffaires;charge daffaires ad interim)(398)

不受欢迎的人 (persona non grata)(55)

大使馆 (embassy)(75)

外交代表机构职务的开始与终止 (commence and termination of diplomatic agencies)(609)

国书 (Letters of Credence,Credential)(283)

递交国书或委任书 (present ones credential or certificate)(88)

国书重递 (represent ones credentials)(283)

外交代表机构对驻在国的义务 (obligations of diplomatic agencies in receiving states)(608)

外交团 (diplomatic corps)(611)

外交邮袋 (diplomatic bag)(611)

外交信差 (diplomatic carrier)(611)

特别使团 (special mission)(573)

特别使团制度和规则 (rules for special missions)(573)

外交特权与豁免 (diplomatic privileges and immunities)(611)

使馆的特权与豁免 (privileges and immunity of embassy)(544)

外交人员的特权与豁免 (privileges and immunities of diplomats)(610)

外交人员特权与豁免的开始与终止 (commence and termination of privileges and immunity given to diplomats)(611)

使馆其他人员的特权与豁免 (privileges and immunities given to diplomats families and employee of embassy)(545)


领事机构的等级 (hierarchy of consular agencies)(403)

领馆人员派任与职务终止 (appointing and terminating consulates)(399)

领事职务 (commitments of consul)(405)

领事保护 (consular protection)(402)

领馆及领事人员的义务 (obligations of consulates and consuls in receiving states)(399)


领馆特权与豁免 (privileges and immunities of consulates)(399)

领事人员特权与豁免 (privileges and immunities of consul)(404)

领事人员特权豁免的范围 (the scope of privileges and immunities of consuls)(403)

《中华人民共和国外交特权与豁免条例》《中华人民共和国领事特权与豁免条例》 (Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China Concerning Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities,Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China Concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities)(749)



条约 (treaties)(576)

缔约能力 (capacity to conclude treaties)(88)

《维也纳条约法公约》 (Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties)(615)

口头协议 (oral agreement)(363)

君子协定 (gentlemens agreement)(352)

行政协定 (executive agreements)(642)

公约 (convention)(163)

换文或换函 (exchange of notes or exchange of letters)(318)

宣言 (declaration)(645)

联合声明或联合公报 (joint declarations or joint communiqués)(397)

临时协定 (〔拉丁〕modus vivendi)(399)

谅解备忘录 (memorandum of understanding)(397)

连续性条约 (successive treaties)(379)

条约的缔结 (conclusion of treaties)(578)

全权证书 (full powers)(493)

条约的保留 (reservation to treaties)(577)

条约登记与公布 (registration and publication of treaties)(582)

条约的加入 (accession of treaties)(579)

草签 (initialling)(60)

批准 (ratification)(471)

交换或交存批准书 (exchange or deposit of instruments of ratification)(334)

条约的效力 (validity of treaties)(581)

条约的生效 (entry into force of treaties)(580)

条约的领土适用范围 (territorial application of treaties)(579)

条约的冲突 (conflicts between treaties)(578)

条约必须信守 (〔拉丁〕pacta sunt servanda)(577)

条约对第三国的效力 (effect of treaties on third states)(583)

条约的解释 (interpretation of treaties)(579)

条约的权威解释 (authentic interpretation of treaties)(580)

有权解释机关 (authentic interpretation organs)(693)

明文的有权解释 (express authentic interpretation)(436)

默示的有权解释 (implied authentic interpretation)(436)

条约主观解释学派 (subjective approach to interpret treaties)(584)

条约客观解释学派 (objective approach to interpret treaties)(584)

条约综合解释学派 (comprehensive approach to interpret treaties)(585)

以几种语文作成的条约的解释 (interpretation of treaties authenticated in two or more languages) (677)

条约解释的规则 (rule of interpretation of treaty)(584)

条约的系统解释 (systematic interpretation of treaties)(581)

条约的文义解释 (literal interpretation of treaties)(581)

条约的目的解释 (teleological interpretation of treaties)(580)

条约的历史解释 (historical interpretation of treaties)(579)

条约解释的补充资料 (supplementary means of interpretation of treaties)(583)

《联合国宪章》的解释 (interpretation of Charter of the United Nations)(396)

条约的修订 (revision of treaties)(581)


条约的无效 (nullity of treaties)(581)

不平等条约 (unequal treaties)(53)

条约的终止 (termination of treaties)(582)

情势变迁 (fundamental change of circumstances)(485)

条约的暂停施行 (suspension of treaties)(582)

国际环境保护 (international environmental protection)(223)


国际环境法 (international environmental law)(224)

1972年联合国人类环境会议 (UN conference on the human environment,1972)(661)

1992年联合国环境与发展大会 (UN conference on the environment and development, 1992)(657)

2002年联合国可持续发展世界首脑会议 (UN Summit on Sustainable Development, 2002)(108)

可持续发展 (sustainable development)(358)

跨界损害 (transboundary damage)(365)

《国际水道非航行使用法公约》 (Convention on the Law of Nonnavigational Use of International Watercourse)(236)

环境影响评价 (environmental impact assessments)(318)

共同责任原则 (principle of common responsibilities)(164)

预防原则 (precautionary principle)(697)


空气污染 (air pollution)(361)

臭氧层 (ozone layer)(68)

《联合国气候变化框架公约》 (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)(389)

1997年京都议定书 (Kyoto Protocol,1997)(659)


海洋环境的保护和保全 (protection and preservation of marine environment)(295)

油污公约 (oil pollution conventions)(690)

托列峡谷号事件 (the accident of Torrey Canyon)(591)

阿莫科·卡迪滋号事件 (Amoco Cadiz incident)(5)

《地中海污染公约》 (Mediterranean Pollution Convention)(88)

倾倒 (dumping)(484)


生物多样性保护 (protection of biological diversity)(536)

野生动物保护 (wildlife protection)(652)

荒漠化 (desertification)(318)


废物处置 (waste disposal)(143)



国际组织的法律人格 (legal personality of international organizations)(258)

国际组织的立法活动 (international organizations legislation)(260)

国际组织的内部法律规则 (internal law and rules of international organizations)(260)

国际组织的决议 (resolutions of international organizations)(259)

国际组织的责任 (responsibility of international organizations)(262)

国际组织的继承 (succession of international organizations)(259)

国际组织的缔约权 (treatymaking of international organizations)(257)

国际组织的表决制度 (voting system of international organizations)(255)

国际组织的财政 (finance of international organizations)(256)

针对国际组织机关行为的法律补救办法 (Legal Remedies against Acts of Organs of International Organizations)(713)

国际行政联盟 (International Administrative Unions)(251)

国际公务员 (international civil servants)(219)

否决权 (Veto)(145)

加权表决制 (weighted voting)(331)

超国家组织 (Supranational Organizations)(62)

非政府组织 (NonGovernmental Organizations, NGOs)(138)

联合国 (United Nations)(381)

国际联盟 (League of Nations)(228)

1941年《大西洋宪章》 (Atlantic Charter,1941)(666)

1944年敦巴顿橡树园会议 (Dumbarton Oaks Conference,1944)(664)

1945年雅尔塔会议 (Yalta Conference,1945)(665)

《联合国宪章》 (Charter of the United Nations)(396)

联合国大会 (United Nations General Assembly)(382)

联合国大会的决议 (resolutions of United Nations General Assembly)(383)

联合国安全理事会 (United Nations Security Council)(381)

安理会的改革 (Security Council reform)(8)

安理会对恐怖主义的反应 (response of UN Security Council to terrorism)(9)

联合国经济及社会理事会 (United Nations Economic and Social Council)(385)

联合国区域委员会 (United Nations Regional Commissions)(390)

联合国托管制度 (United Nations Trusteeship System)(394)

联合国秘书长 (United Nations SecretaryGeneral)(387)

联合国维持和平行动 (United Nations Peacekeeping Operations)(395)

世界卫生组织 (World Health Organization)(547)

世界知识产权组织 (World Intellectual Property Organization,WIPO)(548)

世界气象组织 (World Meteorological Organization, WMO)(546)

联合国粮食及农业组织 (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO)(386)

世界粮食计划署 (World Food Program)(545)

世界粮食理事会 (World Food Council)(546)


区域办法与《联合国宪章》 (regional arrangements and the UN Charter)(488)

欧洲一体化 (European integration)(465)

欧洲货币合作 (European monetary cooperation)(459)

欧洲联盟 (European Union, EU)(462)

欧洲议会 (European Parliament)(466)

欧共体法院 (Court of Justice of the European Communities)(454)

欧洲公务员 (civil service, European)(457)

欧洲理事会 (Council of Europe,CE)(461)

欧洲共同体 (European Communities,EC)(457)

欧洲煤钢共同体 (European Coal and Steel Community, ECSC)(463)

欧洲经济共同体 (European Economic Community)(460)

欧洲经济共同体联系协定 (European Economic Community, associated agreement)(460)

欧洲原子能共同体 (European Atomic Energy Community)(467)

欧洲共同体的对外关系 (European Communities: external relations)(458)

洛美协定 (The Lomé Convention)(413)

欧洲原子能学会 (European Atomic Energy Society)(467)

欧洲民航会议 (European Civil Aviation Conference)(463)

欧洲交通部长会议 (European Conference of Ministers of Transport)(460)

欧洲邮电行政会议 (The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations) (467)

欧洲防务共同体 (European Defense Community)(456)

欧洲自由贸易联盟 (European Free Trade Association, EFTA)(468)

欧洲专利局 (European Patent Organization)(468)

欧洲政治共同体 (European Political Community)(468)

区域性合作与区域性组织:非洲国家 (Regional Cooperation and Organization:African States)(490)

非洲统一组织 (Organization of African Unity, OAU)(142)

非洲联盟 (African Union)(140)

东非共同体 (The East African Community)(92)

西非国家经济共同体 (Economic Community of West African States)(629)

区域性合作与区域性组织:美洲国家 (Regional Cooperation and Organization:American States)(491)

美洲国家组织 (Organization of American States,OAS)(428)

《里约热内卢美洲国家间互助条约》 (InterAmerican Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance of Rio De Janeiro,1947)(374)

波哥大公约 (Bogota Pact,1948)(48)

中美洲国家组织 (Organization of Central American States)(753)

中美洲共同市场 (Central American Common Market)(753)

中美洲共同市场仲裁庭 (Central American Common Market Arbitration Tribunal)(753)

加勒比合作 (Caribbean Cooperation)(330)

加勒比群岛联合政权 (Islands In the Caribbean:Statehood in Association)(331)

拉丁美洲经济合作 (Latin American Economic Cooperation)(366)

拉丁美洲一体化协会 (Latin American Integration Association)(366)

亚马逊合作条约组织 (Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization)(647)

安第斯共同市场法院 (Andean Common Market Court of Justice)(7)

区域性合作与区域性组织:亚洲国家 (Regional Cooperation and Organization:Asian States)(493)

阿拉伯国家联盟 (League of Arab States)(3)

东南亚国家联盟 (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)(94)

东南亚条约组织 (SouthEast Asia Treaty Organization,SEATO)(94)

亚洲清算联盟 (Asian Clearing Union)(649)

阿拉伯石油输出国组织 (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries,OAPEC)(4)

上海合作组织 (Shanhai Cooperation Organization, SCO)(515)

亚太经济合作组织 (AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation)(648)

南亚区域合作联盟 (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)(443)

阿拉伯海湾国家合作理事会 (Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf)(3)

区域性合作与区域性组织:太平洋国家 (Regional Cooperation and Organization:Pacific States)(492)

太平洋岛国论坛 (Pacific Islands Forum)(571)

区域性合作与区域性组织:社会主义国家 (Regional Cooperation and Organization:Socialist States) (491)

经济互助委员会 (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance)(348)

华沙条约组织 (Warsaw Treaty Organization, 1955—1991)(316)

区域性合作与区域性组织:西欧国家 (Regional Cooperation and Organization:Western States)(492)

比利时—卢森堡经济联盟 (BelgiumLuxembourg Economic Union)(42)

比荷卢经济联盟 (Benelux Economic Union)(40)

比荷卢经济联盟的仲裁院和法院 (Benelux Economic Union College of Arbitrators and Court of Justice) (41)

西欧关税联盟 (Western European Customs Union)(629)

西欧联盟 (Western European Union)(629)

区域发展银行 (Regional Development Banks)(489)

亚洲开发银行 (Asian Development Bank)(648)

地方与区域当局的跨界合作 (Transfrontier Cooperation between Local and Regional Authorities)(86)

北欧合作 (Nordic Cooperation)(38)

北欧理事会和北欧部长理事会 (Nordic Council and Nordic Council of Ministers)(38)

北大西洋公约组织 (North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO)(35)

中央条约组织 (Central Treaty Organization)(754)

科伦坡计划 (Colombo Plan)(357)

澳新美理事会 (ANZUS Council)(14)

巴尔干协定(1953/1954) (Balkan Pact 1953/1954)(18)


国际清算银行 (Bank for International Settlement)(234)

海关合作理事会 (Customs Cooperation Council)(287)

国际海事卫星组织 (International Maritime Satellite Organization, Inmarsat)(222)

国际通信卫星组织 (International Telecommunication Satellite Organization)(246)

国际移民组织 (International Organization for Migration)(252)

国际航空运输协会 (International Air Transport Association,IATA)(223)

国际教育局 (International Bureau of Education)(226)

国际计量局 (International Bureau of Weights and Measures)(226)

国际能源署 (International Energy Agency)(234)

世界贸易中心协会 (World Trade Center Association)(546)

各国议会联盟 (InterParliamentary Union)(156)

国际刑警组织 (International Criminal Police Organization)(248)

欧佩克国际发展基金会 (OPEC Fund for International Development)(456)

石油输出国组织 (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries,OPEC)(541)



1924年和平解决国际争端的总议定书 (General Protocol for Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes)(657)

1928年和平解决国际争端总议定书 (General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes)(655)

1949年《和平解决国际争端修订总议定书》 (Revised General Act for the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes, 1949)(664)

布赖恩条约(1913—1914) [Bryan Treaties (1913—1914)](57)

杰伊条约(1794) (Jay Treaty,1794)(336)

《萨阿维德拉·拉马斯条约》 (Saavedra Lamas Treaty,1933)(510)

依据对日和平条约第15条第1款设立的财产委员会 (property commissions established pursuant to Art. 15(a) of Peace Treaty with Japan,1951)(671)


谈判和协商 (negotiation and consultation)(572)

斡旋 (good offices)(618)

调查 (investigation)(90)

调停 (mediation)(585)

和解 (conciliation)(306)

禁运 (embargo)(343)

反报 (retorsion)(126)

不友好行为 (unfriendly acts或nonamicable acts)(57)

报复 (reprisals)(34)

查证事实 (verification)(60)

平时封锁 (pacific blockade)(473)


国际争端的法律解决 (judicial settlement of international disputes)(254)

仲裁 (arbitration)(755)

仲裁条款 (arbitration clause in treaties or agreements)(756)

仲裁协定或条约 (arbitration agreements or treaties)(757)

常设仲裁法院 (the Permanent Court of Arbitration)(62)

混合仲裁法庭 (mixed arbitral tribunals)(323)

商事仲裁 (commercial arbitration)(514)

常设国际法院 (Permanent Court of International Justice)(61)

国际法院 (International Court of Justice)(210)

康纳利保留 (Connally reservation)(356)

国际法庭 (international tribunals)(206)

国际组织的行政法庭、理事会和委员会 (administrative tribunals, boards and commissions in international organizations)(262)

世界银行行政法庭 (Administrative Tribunal of the World Bank)(547)

中美洲法院 (Central American Court of Justice)(752)

国际捕获法院 (International Prize Court)(195)

混合求偿委员会 (Mixed Claims Commissions)(321)

混合委员会 (Mixed Commissions)(322)

国际法庭之咨询意见 (advisory opinions of international tribunals)(207)

国际法院和国际法庭判决 (judgments of international courts and tribunals)(214)

国际法院和国际法庭的证据 (evidence before international courts and tribunals)(214)

国际法院和国际法庭的程序 (procedure of International Courts and Tribunals)(212)

国际法院和国际法庭的出庭权 (standing right before International Courts and Tribunals)(213)

临时保全措施 (interim measures of protection)(397)

初步反对意见 (preliminary objections)(69)

关于争端解决的特别协定 (special agreement on dispute settlement)(184)

《欧洲和平解决争端公约》 (European Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes)(459)

司法与仲裁决议:有效与无效 (judicial and arbitral decisions: validity and nullity)(559)

海洋法的争端解决机制 (mechanisms of settlement of disputes in the law of the sea)(294)

【战争与武装冲突法】 [


战争 (war)(708)

正义战争 (just war)(715)

武装冲突 (armed conflict)(625)

内战 (civil war)(447)

战争法 (laws of war)(709)

捕获法 (Prize Law)(49)

私掠船制 (privateering)(559)

浅间丸事件 (Asama Maru Incident)(481)

非军事化、解除武装、废除军备 (demilitarization)(138)

卡洛林号 (The Caroline)(353)


1899年和1907年海牙和平会议 (Hague Peace Conference of 1899 and 1907)(652)

日内瓦公约及议定书 (Geneva Conventions and Protocols)(506)

1923年洛桑和平条约 (Lausanne Peace Treaty)(656)

1928年凯洛格—白里安协定 (KelloggBriand Pact)(656)

布列斯特和约 (Peace of BrestLitovsk)(57)

1938年《慕尼黑协定》 (Munich Agreement,1938)(663)

《太平洋共同防卫组织协定》 (Australia,New Zealand and the United States Mutual Security Pact, ANZUS)(571)

对德波恩和巴黎协定 (Bonn and Paris Agreements on Germany)(96)

普遍参与条款 (general participation clause)(474)

马顿斯条款 (Martens Clause)(414)


战争状态 (state of war)(711)

敌对及敌对主体 (enemies and enemy subjects)(86)

敌产 (enemy property)(85)

非常征用权 (right of angary)(136)

捐赠 (contributions)(349)

停战 (armistice)(585)

休战旗 (flag of truce)(644)

投降 (surrender)(587)

大赦条款 (Amnesty Clause)(74)

战争对条约的影响 (effect of war on treaties)(708)

战争与环境 (war and environment)(710)

作战手段和方法 (means and methods of warfare)(774)

空战 (air warfare)(361)

陆战 (land warfare)(410)

地雷 (mines)(87)

陆战胜利品 (booty in land warfare)(410)

海战 (sea warfare)(297)

潜水艇 (submarines)(480)

军舰 (warships)(350)

武装商船 (merchant ships, armed)(626)

海战胜利品 (booty in sea warfare)(298)

马亚圭斯号事件 (Mayaguez Incident)(416)

阿尔特马克号 (the Altmark)(1)

雅典娜号事件 (The Athenia Incident)(647)

经济战 (economic warfare)(348)

联合抵制 (joint boycott)(380)

集体措施 (collective measures)(327)

集体制裁 (collective punishment)(328)

集体安全 (collective security)(327)

集体自卫 (collective selfdefense)(328)

禁用武器 (prohibited weapons)(343)

核武器 (nuclear weapons)(310)

生物武器 (biological weapons)(537)

生物战争 (biological warfare)(538)

化学武器 (chemical weapons)(316)

化学战争 (chemical warfare)(317)

不分皂白的攻击 (indiscriminate attack)(52)

背信弃义行为 (perfidy)(38)

战争诈术 (suses of war)(710)

掠夺 (pillage)(413)

扣留 (internment)(363)

最后通牒 (ultimatum)(772)

同盟 (alliance)(586)

履行盟约的场合 (〔拉丁〕casus foederis)(413)

共同防御条款 (Casus foederis)(164)

轰炸 (bombardment)(313)

民兵 (militias)(432)

雇佣兵 (mercenaries)(167)

游击队 (guerrilla forces)(692)

外籍军团(/外国志愿军) (foreign legion)(606)

战地记者 (war correspondent)(705)

设在外国的军事基地 (military bases on foreign territory)(517)

海外驻军 (military forces abroad)(289)

军政府 (military government)(351)

武器控制 (arms control)(625)

封锁 (blockade)(144)

战时封锁 (war blockade)(706)

古巴封锁 (Cuban Quarantine)(166)

护航 (convoy)(315)

民防 (civil defense)(432)

军事必要 (military necessity)(350)

军事目标 (military objectives)(351)

军事侦察 (military reconnaissance)(351)

间谍 (espionage)(332)

战场 (theatre of war)(704)

战争物资 (war materials)(710)

走私 (contraband)(771)

战时禁制品 (contraband of war)(707)

战争旗帜与制服 (flags and uniforms in war)(709)

武装冲突中对文化财产的保护 (cultural property,protection in armed,conflict)(625)

人道法 (humanitarian law)(497)

战斗员 (combatants)(705)

战俘 (prisoners of war)(705)

伤者病者及遇船难者 (wounded,sick and shipwrecked)(513)

医院船 (hospital ships)(671)

对平民居民的保护 (protection of civilian population)(101)

不设防城镇 (open towns)(54)

民用物体 (civilian objects)(434)

保护国 (protecting power)(29)


战时中立 (neutrality in war)(707)

中立化 (neutralization)(752)

中立:防止的义务 (duty of prevention)(752)

中立:容忍的义务 (duty of toleration)(752)

中立:不作为的义务 (duty of abstention)(751)


破坏和平罪 (crimes against peace)(474)

战争罪 (war crimes)(711)

东京审判 (Tokyo Trial)(93)

纽伦堡审判 (Nuremberg Trial)(448)

纽伦堡原则 (Nuremberg principles)(449)

前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭 (International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia)(479)

卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭 (International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda)(409)

国际刑事法院 (International Criminal Court)(248)


阿拉巴马号仲裁案(英国—美国) (United Kingdom v. United States of America)(2)

路德诉萨戈案 (Luther v.Sagor,1920)(411)

温勃勒敦号案 (The Winbledon, 1923)(617)


特许权案 (Mavromatis Concessions Case, 1925—1927)(415)

荷花号案 (the Lotus,常设国际法院,1927)(310)

上萨瓦及节克斯自由区案(法国诉瑞士) (Free Zones of Upper Savoy and the District of Gex (France v. Switzerland))(516)

东格陵兰案(丹麦诉挪威) (The East Greenland case,Denmark v. Norway)(92)

孤独号案(美国—英国) (United States of America v. United Kingdom)(165)

特雷尔冶炼厂仲裁案(美国诉加拿大) 〔Trail Smelter Arbitration(United States of America v. Canada)〕(574)

科孚海峡案 (Corfu channal case, 国际法院,1949)(356)

庇护权案 (Asylum case, 1950)(45)

英挪渔业案(英国诉挪威) (United Kingdom v. Norway)(684)

英伊石油公司案(英国诉伊朗) (Anglo Iranian Oil Co. (United Kingdom v. Iran))(685)

敏基埃岛和艾克利荷斯岛案 (Minquiers and Ecrehos case, 1953)(435)

诺特鲍姆案(列支敦士登诉危地马拉) [Nottebohm Case (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala)](450)

艾希曼案(以色列检察总长诉艾希曼) (AttorneyGeneral of the Government of Israel v. Eichmann)(6)

隆端寺案 (The Temple Preah Vihear case, 1962)(408)

北海大陆架案 (North Sea Continental Shelf Case, 1969,国际法院)(36)

巴塞罗那电车、电灯和电力有限公司案(比利时诉西班牙) [Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited (Belgium v. Spain)](21)

渔业管辖权案 (Fishery Jurisdiction Case, 1974)(695)

核试验案(澳大利亚诉法国、新西兰诉法国) 〔Nuclear Test Cases(Australia v. France、 New Zealand v. France)〕(309)

光华寮案(陈之迈诉光华寮) (Chen Zhimai v. Guanghua Dormitory)(187)

湖广铁路债券案 (Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold Bongs Case)(313)

德黑兰的美国外交和领事人员案(美国诉伊朗) (United States of America v. Iran)(83)

突尼斯—利比亚大陆架划界案 (TunisLibya Continental Shelf Case, 1982)(587)

帕尔马斯岛仲裁案(荷兰诉美国) (Island of Palmas Arbitration Case,Netherlands v. United States of America)(469)

韩国客机007号事件 (Korean Airline Flight 007 Incident)(299)

缅因湾海域划界案 (The Maritime Delimitation in the Gulf of Maine, 1984)(430)

利比亚—马耳他大陆架划界案 (Continental Shelf Case, Libye v.Malta, 1985)(375)

边界争端案 (Boundary Dispute Case, 1986)(47)

对尼加拉瓜进行军事和准军事行动案(尼加拉瓜诉美国) (Nicaragua v. United States of America)(98)

格陵兰—扬马延海域划界案 (Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen, 1993)(155)

东帝汶案(葡萄牙诉澳大利亚) [East Timor (Portugal v. Australia)](91)

塔地奇案(检察官诉杜斯科·塔地奇) (Tadic case (Prosecutor v. Duko Tadic')(568)

加布奇科沃—大毛罗斯项目案 (GabcikovoNagymaros Project, 1997)(329)

阿卡耶苏案 (AKAYESU, Jean Paul)(1)

塞加号案 (The M/V “SAIGA” Case (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v. Guinea))(510)

南方金枪鱼案(新西兰诉日本、澳大利亚诉日本) [Southern Bluefin Tuna Cases (New Zealand v. Japan、 Australia v. Japan)](439)

厄立特里亚/也门 (Eritrea/Yemen)(107)

拉尔森/夏威夷王国 (Larsen/Hawaii Kingdom)(367)

1999年8月10日航空事件案(巴基斯坦诉印度) [Aerial Incident of 10 August 1999 (Pakistan v. India)](658)

拉格朗案 (LaGrand case, 2001)(367)

卡塔尔—巴林海洋划界和领土问题案 (Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Question between Qutar and Bahrain,2001)(354)

利吉丹岛和斯巴丹岛主权案 (sovereignty over Palau Ligitan and Palau Sipadan, 2002)(377)

混合氧化物工厂案(爱尔兰诉英国) (The MOX Plant Case,Ireland v. United Kingdom)(322)

逮捕令案 (Case Concerning Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000)(77)

石油平台案(伊朗诉美国) [Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America)](540)

媒体审判案 [Barayagwiza, Jean Bosco (Media Trial)](418)

洛克比空难引起的1971年《蒙特利尔公约》解释和适用问题案(利比亚诉美国、利比亚诉英国) [Questions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention Arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United States of America、 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United Kingdom)](411)

关于新加坡在柔佛海峡及其周边开垦陆地案(马来西亚诉新加坡) (Case concerning Land Reclamation by Singapore in and around the Straits of Johor (Malaysia v. Singapore))(182)

在刚果领土上的武装活动案 (Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo)(702)

比利时/荷兰(2005年莱茵铁路仲裁案) [Belgium/The Netherlands (Iron Rhine Arbitration, 2005)](41)

某些财产案 (列支敦士登诉德国)[Certain Property Case (Liechtenstein v. Germany)](437)

巴巴多斯/特立尼达和多巴哥案 (Barbados/Trinidad and Tobago)(15)

圭亚那/苏里南案 (Guyana/Suriname)(188)

《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》的适用案 (Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide)(134)

白礁、中礁和南礁主权案(马来西亚/新加坡) [Sovereignty over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge (Malaysia/Singapore)](24)

刑事司法互助中的某些问题案(吉布提诉法国) [Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Djibouti v. France)](641)

检察官诉查尔斯·泰勒案 (The Prosecutor v. Charles Ghankay Taylor)(333)

关于养护和可持续捕捞东南太平洋剑鱼种群案(智利/欧洲共同体) [Case concerning the Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation of Swordfish Stocks in the SouthEastern Pacific Ocean (Chile/European Community)](184)

《灭种罪公约》的保留问题(咨询意见) [Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide(Advisory Opinion)](430)

《联合国特权及豁免权公约》第6条第22节的适用性(咨询意见) [Applicability of Article VI, Section 22, of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (Advisory Opinion)](392)

威胁或使用核武器的合法性咨询意见案 (Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons)(613)

关于人权委员会特别报告员诉讼程序豁免权的分歧(咨询意见) (Difference relating to Immunity from Legal Process of A Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights(Advisory Opinion))(178)

在被占领巴勒斯坦领土修建隔离墙的法律后果咨询意见案 (Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory)(701)

国际投资争端解决中心 (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes)(247)

《多瑙河航行制度公约》 (Convention Concerning the Regime of Navigation on the Danube)(106)

签署 (signature)(478)

太平洋共同体 (Pacific Community)(572)

外层空间法 (outer space law)(592)



《国际私法》 (conflict of laws)(238)

国际私法的名称 (names of private int

ernational law)(241)

冲突法 (conflict of laws)(66)

国际民法 (international civil law)(230)

涉外私法 (foreign private law)(531)

私国际法 (private international law,法droit international privé)(559)

法律适用法 (Law of law application)(119)

国际私法的基本原则 (basic principles of private international law)(241)

国家主权原则 (doctrine of state sovereignty)(281)

保护当事人合法权益原则 (principle of protecting the legitimate rights of parties)(28)

保护弱者原则 (principle of protecting the weak)(30)

国际私法的渊源 (sources of private international law)(241)

国际私法的国内渊源 (internal sources of private international law)(239)

国际私法的国际渊源 (international sources of private international law)(239)


国际私法法系 (private international law system)(242)

国际私法地区 (private international law area)(241)


海事国际私法 (private international maritime law)(289)

区际冲突法 (interregional conflict law)(486)

人际私法 (private interpersonal law)(499)

时际私法 (private intertemporal law)(542)

关于公法适用的法律 (the law to which public law can be applied)(170)

外国人地位法 (law of the status of aliens)(602)

国际私法学 (science of private international law)(243)

国际私法学的研究方法 (research methods of private international law)(244)



法则区别说 (theory of statute)(125)

人法 (law of persons)(498)

物法 (property law)(626)

混合法 (mixed law)(321)

意思自治说 (Theory of Autonomy of Will)(679)

国际礼让说 (theory of comity of nations)(227)

法律关系本座说 (theory of sitz of legal relationship)(118)

既得权说 (theory of vested rights)(328)

本地法说 (local law theory)(40)

政府利益分析说 (theory of governmental interests analysis)(719)

比较损害说 (comparative impairment theory)(41)

较好法律规范说 (theory of better law)(334)

最密切联系说 (doctrine of the most significant relationship)(773)

法院地法说 (lex fori theory)(125)

外国法适用论 (application of foreign laws)(594)

法律场所效力论 (theory of effect on legal places)(115)

法律域外效力论 (theory of extraterritorial effect of laws)(120)

国籍主义 (theory of nationality)(193)

公正论 (theory of justice)(163)

[学派] 注释法

学派 (glossators)(759)

后期注释法学派 (late glossators)(313)

斯托里学派 (Story school)(560)

普遍主义—国际主义学派 (universalisminternationalism school)(476)

特殊主义—国家主义学派 (particularismnationalism school)(575)

比较国际私法学派 (school of comparative private international law)(41)

经验主义—实用主义学派 (empiricismpragmatism school)(348)

荷兰学派 (Dutch school)(313)

英美学派 (AngloAmerican school)(684)

意法学派 (ItalianFrench law school)(679)

对外政策学派 (foreign policy school)(103)


中华人民共和国成立后的国际私法学 (private international law after the founding of the Peoples Republic of China)(740)



巴托鲁斯 (Bartolus,1314—1357)(24)

巴尔都斯 (Bsrdus,1327—1400)(18)

杜摩林 (Dumoulin,1500—1566)(96)

达让特莱 (DArgentré, 1519—1590)(72)

胡伯 (Huber, 1636—1694)(313)

萨维尼 (Savigny,1779—1861)(510)

孟希尼 (〔意〕Pasquale Stanislao Mancini, 1817—1888)(429)

斯托里 (Joseph Story, 1779—1845)(560)

戴赛 (Dicey, 1835—1922)(79)

莫里斯 (John Morris, 1910—1984)(436)

库克 (Walter Wheeler Cook, 1873—1943)(363)

卡佛斯 (David Cavers, 1902—1988)(353)

马丁·沃尔夫 (Martin Wolff, 1872—1953)(414)

拉贝尔 (Ernst Rabel, 1874—1955)(366)

戚希尔 (Geoffrey Cheshire, 1886—1978)(478)

巴迪福 (Henri Batiffol, 1905—1990)(17)


《巴黎习惯法评述》 (法commentaire sur la coutume de paris)(19)

《论罗马法与现行法》 (〔拉丁〕Prae Loctiones Jusris Civilis Romani et Hodierni)(411)

《冲突法评论》 (commentaries on the conflict of laws)(66)

《现代罗马法体系》 (德system des heutigen romischen rechts)(634)

《法律冲突论》 (A Digest in the Law of England with Reference to the Conflict of Laws)(118)


法律冲突 (conflict of laws)(116)

法律冲突产生的原因 (causes of the rise of conflict of laws)(116)

法律的域内效力 (intraterritorial effect of laws)(118)

法律的域外效力 (extraterritorial effect of laws)(118)

法域 (legal district)(125)

立法的冲突 (legislative conflict)(375)

司法的冲突 (judicial conflict)(556)

真实的冲突 (true conflict)(714)

虚假的冲突 (false conflict)(644)

区际法律冲突 (interregional conflict of laws)(486)

人际法律冲突 (interpersonal conflict of laws)(499)

时际法律冲突 (intertemporal conflict of laws)(542)

法律冲突的解决方法 (settlement of conflict of laws)(117)

直接调整 (direct regulation)(723)

间接调整 (indirect regulation)(333)

法律适用 (application of law)(119)

法律管辖 (jurisdiction of law)(119)

冲突规范 (conflict rule)(66)

法律适用规范 (rules of application of law)(119)

内国 (domestic)(445)

内国法 (domestic law)(445)

外国 (foreign)(592)

外国法 (foreign law)(592)

冲突规范的结构 (structure of conflict rule)(67)

范围 (category,limitation)(133)

系属 (attribution)(631)

系属中的连结点 (connecting point of attribution)(631)

连结点的选择 (choice of connecting point)(378)

连结点的软化处理 (softening process of connecting point)(378)

动态连结点 (variable point of contact)(95)

静态连结点 (constant point of contact)(348)

连结点的冲突 (conflict of connecting points)(378)

复合连结点 (multiple point of contact)(151)

主观连结因素 (subjective connecting factor)(757)

客观连结因素 (objective connecting factor)(359)

冲突规范的种类 (types of conflict rule)(67)

单边冲突规范 (unilateral conflict rules)(80)

双边冲突规范 (bilateral conflict rules)(555)

重叠性冲突规范 (double rules for regulating the conflict of laws)(67)

选择性冲突规范 (choice rules for regulating the conflict of laws)(645)

无条件选择的冲突规范 (conflict rules of unconditional choice)(624)

有条件选择的冲突规范 (conflict rules of conditional choice)(693)

系属公式 (formula of attribution)(631)

属人法 (lex personalis)(553)

属人主义 (principle of lex personalis)(554)

属人法学派 (lex personalis school)(553)

本国法 (lex patriae)(40)

本国法主义 (principle of lex patriae)(40)

住所地法 (lex domicili)(758)

住所地法主义 (principle of lex domicili)(758)

居所地法 (law of residence)(349)

惯常居所地法 (law of habitual residence)(186)

物之所在地法 (lex situs)(626)

行为地法 (lex loci actus)(642)

合同成立地法 (law of the place of the establishment of the contract)(303)

合同履行地法 (law of the place of the performance of the contract)(304)

债务履行地法 (lex loci solutionis)(704)

婚姻举行地法 (lex loci celebrationis)(321)

遗嘱成立地法 (law of the place of the creation of the will)(674)

侵权行为地法 (〔拉丁〕lex loci delictis)(484)

当事人共同选择的法律 (lex voluntatis)(81)

事实发生地法 (law of the place of the factum juridicum)(549)

现在地法 (law of the present place)(634)

目的地法 (law of the destination)(438)

货币所属国法 (law of country issued the currency)(324)

国旗国法 (law of the flag)(283)

法院地法 (lex fori)(125)

仲裁地法 (law of the place of arbitration)(756)

属地法 (lex loci)(552)

属地法说 (theory of lex loci)(552)

属地主义 (principle of lex loci)(553)

新属地主义 (new principle of lex loci)(640)

与法律关系有最密切联系国家的法律 (law of the place of the most significant relationship)(696)

准据法的确定 (determination of lex causae)(763)

准据法 (lex causae)(763)

多法域国家 (nation of multilegal districts)(105)

多法域国家准据法的确定 (determination of lex causae for the nation of multilegal districts)(105)

外国法发生变化时准据法的确定 (determination of lex causae when foreign law changes)(592)

先决问题 (preliminary question)(632)

先决问题的准据法 (applicable law of preliminary question)(633)

附带问题 (incidental problem)(151)

与冲突规范有关的制度 (some systems relating to conflict rules)(696)

识别 (characterization or classification)(538)

识别的冲突 (conflicts of characterization)(540)

隐存的法律冲突 (latent law conflict)(682)

识别的标准 (standards for characterization)(540)

一级识别 (first classification)(655)

二级识别 (secondary characterization)(108)

法律关系定性 (classification of legal relations)(119)

反致 (renvoi,remission)(130)

转致 (transmission)(763)

间接反致 (indirect remission)(333)

一级反致 (remission)(655)

二级反致 (transmission)(108)

双重反致 (double renvoi)(555)

直接反致 (direct remission)(723)

公共秩序保留 (public order reservation clause)(157)

保留条款 (reservation clause)(34)

直接限制外国法的适用 (directly reserving the application of foreign laws)(723)

间接限制外国法的适用 (indirectly reserving the application of foreign laws)(333)

合并限制外国法的适用 (mixedly reserving the application of foreign laws)(303)

禁止法律规避 (prohibition of evasion of law)(343)

法律规避 (evasion of law)(119)

法律诈欺 (legal fraud)(120)

外国法内容的确定 (determination of the contents of foreign laws)(593)

外国法事实说 (theory of regarding the foreign law as the fact)(594)

外国法法律说 (theory of regarding the foreign law as the law)(593)

外国法适用的错误及其补救 (mistakes in application of foreign laws and its remedy)(594)

外国人民事法律地位 (civil status of foreigners)(602)

外国人民事法律地位的主要制度 (main systems of foreigners civil status)(604)

国民待遇 (national treatment)(282)

最惠国待遇 (mostfavourednation treatment)(772)

歧视待遇 (discriminate treatment)(478)

不歧视待遇 (indiscriminate treatment)(54)

互惠待遇 (reciprocal treatment)(314)

优惠待遇 (preferential treatment)(689)

普遍优惠待遇 (generalized system of preference)(475)

外国人在中国的民事法律地位 (foreigners civil status in China)(604)



自然人的国籍 (natural persons nationality)(766)

自然人国籍在国际私法上的意义 (significance of natural persons nationality in private international law)(766)

国际私法中自然人国籍冲突的解决 (settlement of conflicts of natural persons nationalities in private international law)(245)

自然人的住所 (domicile of natural person)(766)

自然人住所在国际私法上的意义 (significance of natural persons domicile in private international law)(769)

原始住所 (domicile of origin)(699)

选择住所 (domicile of choice)(645)

法定住所 (statutory domicile)(114)

住所识别标准 (classification standard of domicile)(758)

住所的冲突 (conflict of domicile)(757)

住所的积极冲突 (positive conflict of domicile)(758)

住所的消极冲突 (negative conflict of domicile)(758)

国际私法中自然人住所冲突的解决 (settlement of conflict of natural persons domicile in private international law)(245)

居所 (residence)(348)

惯常居所 (habitual residence)(186)


法人的国籍 (nationality of legal person)(120)

法人住所地说 (theory of the domicile of legal person)(124)

法人管理中心地说 (theory of the headquarters of legal person)(121)

法人营业中心地说 (theory of the business office of legal person)(123)

法人登记地说 (theory of the place of registration of legal person)(120)

准据法说 (theory of applicable law)(764)

法人资本控制说 (theory of control of corporation capital)(124)

复合标准说 (doctrine of compound standards)(151)

法人实际控制说 (theory of real control of corporation)(123)

外国法人 (foreign legal person)(594)

外国公司 (foreign corporation)(595)

敌性外国法人 (foreign enemy corporation)(86)

法人住所 (domicile of legal person)(124)

外国法人的认可 (recognition and permission of foreign legal persons)(594)

一般认可制 (system of general recognition and permission)(655)

特别认可制 (system of special recognition and permission)(573)

区别认可制 (system of distinguished recognition and permission)(486)

相互认可制 (system of reciprocal recognition and permission)(636)

概括认可制 (system of generalized recognition and permission)(153)

国际私法上的国家 (state of private international law)(243)

国际私法上的国际组织 (international organization of private international law)(242)



自然人权利能力的法律冲突 (law conflicts of the capacity for rights of a natural person)(766)

自然人权利能力的准据法 (applicable law for the capacity for rights of a natural person)(767)

涉外死亡宣告 (foreign declaration of death)(531)

涉外失踪宣告 (foreign declaration of disappearance)(530)


自然人行为能力的法律冲突 (law conflicts of the capacity for legal transactions of a natural person)(767)

自然人行为能力的法律适用 (law application of the capacity for legal transactions of a natural person)(768)

禁治产人 (interdicted person)(345)

准禁治产人 (quasiinterdicted person)(763) [法人的权利能力和行为能力]

法人权利能力和行为能力的法律冲突 (law conflicts of the capacity for rights and for legal transactions of legal person)(121)

法人权利能力和行为能力的准据法 (applicable law of the capacity for rights and for legal transactions of legal person)(121)

法人属人法 (personal law of legal person)(123)

法人涉外破产 (legal persons bankruptcy concerning foreign elements)(122)

普及破产主义 (doctrine of universalism in bankruptcy)(476)

属地破产主义 (doctrine of territorialism in bankruptcy)(553)

涉外代理 (foreignrelated agency)(519)

代理人与被代理人关系的准据法 (applicable law to the relationship between the agent and the principal)(76)

被代理人与第三人关系的准据法 (applicable law to the relationship between the principal and the third party)(39)

代理人与第三人关系的准据法 (applicable law to the relationship between the agent and the third party)(77)

涉外物权 (international real rights)(533)

涉外物权的法律冲突 (legal conflicts of the international real rights)(533)

物之所在地法原则的适用 (〔拉丁〕lex loci rei sitat;the application of the principle of the law of the place where a thing is situated)(627)

物之所在地法适用的例外 (exception of the principle of the law of the place where a thing is situated)(627)

运送途中的货物 (〔拉丁〕res in transitu;goods on transportation)(700)

运送途中货物之物权的法律适用 (law application of the ownership of goods on transportation)(700)

船舶和飞机之物权的法律适用 (law application of the ownership of airplanes and vessels)(70)

涉外财产继承的法律适用 (law application of the international succession)(518)

外国法人财产的法律适用 (law application of the property of foreign legal person)(594)

国家财产豁免权 (rights of the immunities of states property)(266)

动产三分说 (the doctrine of the movable divided into three parts)(95)

动产随人原则 (拉丁mobilia personam sequuntur)(95)

国际民事交往中不同所有制的平权原则 (the principle of equality ownership of the different ownerships in international civil contacts)(232)

涉外国有化 (foreignrelated nationalization)(523)

涉外国有化的性质 (nature of the foreignrelated nationalization)(524)

涉外国有化的补偿 (compensation of the foreignrelated nationalization)(523)

不予补偿 (no compensation)(57)

充分、即时、有效的补偿 (sufficient, timely and effective compensation)(65)

适当的、合理的补偿 (appropriate and reasonable compensation)(550)

涉外知识产权 (foreignrelated intellectual property)(535)

知识产权的法律冲突 (conflict of laws on intellectual property)(721)

知识产权的法律适用 (law applicable to intellectual property)(721)

专利权的法律适用 (law applicable to patent)(760)

商标权的法律适用 (law applicable to trademarks)(514)

著作权的法律适用 (law applicable to copyright)(759)

涉外合同之债的法律冲突 (legal conflicts of the foreign contract debt)(524)

涉外合同之债的法律适用 (law application of the foreign contract debt)(524)

单一制 (single count)(80)

分割制 (separate application of law for the international contract)(144) [


意思自治原则 (principle of autonomy of will)(679)

有限的意思自治 (limited autonomy of the parties)(693)

无限的意思自治 (unlimited autonomy of the parties)(624)

明示法律选择 (express choice of law)(435)

默示法律选择 (implied choice of law)(437)

客观标志说 (objective symbols theory)(359)

最密切联系原则 (principle of the mostsignificant connection)(774)

特征履行说 (doctrine of characteristic performance)(575)

合同自体法 (the proper law of the contract)(305)

当事人订约能力的法律适用 (application of law to contracting capacity of the parties)(81)

合同形式的法律适用 (application of law to the form of contract)(305)

法律行为方式的法律适用 (applicable law for the form of juristic act)(120)

场所支配行为的原则 (rule of territorially oriented choiceoflaw)(62)

合同成立的法律适用 (application of law to formation of contract)(303)

投邮主义 (deposited acceptance or mailbox rule)(587)

收邮主义 (acceptanceonreceivingmail rule)(552)

合同效力的法律适用 (law application for validity of contract)(304)

合同消灭的法律适用 (law application for extinction of contract)(304)

合同解释的法律适用 (law application for the interpretation of contract)(304)

《中华人民共和国合同法》中的冲突条款 (conflict clause of the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China)(743)


国际货物买卖合同的法律适用 (application of law to contracts for the international sales of goods)(224)

国际保险合同的法律适用 (application of law for international insurance contract)(193)

国际工程承包合同的法律适用 (application of law for international project contract)(215)

国际租赁合同的法律适用 (application of law for international leasing contract)(255)

国际技术转让合同的法律适用 (application of law for contract on international transfer of